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After the wedding party Chris and I went straight back to my parents' house to quickly pack for a honeymoon. Turned out someone had brought all of our clothes to our new house. We had walked outside to find the limousine driver gone but my BMW in the driveway. I had to print out directions and drive all the way to our new house while Chris called the limousine driver to tell him to come at the same time but at the house.

I could barely remember the last time I had flown on a public plane until the night we had to fly out to our honeymoon. I had figured it wouldn't be so crowded, but I was dead wrong. It made me thankful for my usual air transportation.

I had absolutely no idea where Chris was taking me. The planning for the honeymoon was all done by him. So when we stopped at the gate that was departing for New Zealand, I was squealing and jumping. But he would only smile. It ended up putting me in a sort of depressed mood for the rest of the plane ride. I had expected him to be just as happy as I was.

Once we got off the plane, a man escorted Chris and I to a marina where we were given a yacht. I wasn't so sure about things at that point. I had never been good with sea travel, as much as I loved marine life. I had to ask Chris how long the ride would be. He explained that it was the middle of the day in New Zealand so we would make it by dinner time.

I was a little nervous and hesitant getting on that yacht, but Chris's sudden happiness made me feel much better and more confident. And it turned out the yacht was privet; Chris and I were the only ones on it, besides the captain. The captain showed us around his boat. It had everything. A bar, a jacuzzi, a large bedroom, anything my heart desired. But I quickly found my way to the bedroom where I slept for three hours.

When I woke, I joined Chris on the deck. I could see land. I felt relieved but sad. Relieved for I could get off the rocky water but sad because this yacht was heaven. I eventually found out that the island we were approaching was Fiji. My heart melted. Where better to honeymoon?

After about another hour of sailing the yacht had come up close to the island and it was running around it. Then at one point this bizarre structure could be seen hovering above the water. The captain ended up pulling up to a dock attached to the weird structure. I continually asked Chris what it was and all he said was to wait.

The captain said goodbye to us as another man escorted us to what had looked like an elevator. Doors slid open and the three of us walked inside, bags in hand. My nervousness had kicked back in. I had no idea what would happen.

The walls went black as soon as the structure began moving down. The only lights came from the ceiling of the elevator. But once we came to a stop and the doors slid open, my mind was taken over by the beauty. Glass walls covered the lobby. All sorts of fish swam past the windows. An absolutely stunning reef could be seen. I had to fight to not feint right there on the floor. Though the sun had been beginning to set when we were at the surface, it still reflected wonderfully off the ocean, providing an excellent light. The yacht was now nothing compared to this.

We were immediately escorted to our room once we checked in. And I could not believe my eyes. There was a king sized bed, a jacuzzi, a flat-screen, 64" TV, and, just like the lobby, glass walls revealing the beautiful pacific. There were real walls on the sides for privacy but the end of the room and the ceiling was glass. I had dropped my suitcase and ran to the other side of the room. We had a gorgeous view of the reef and the most interesting fish swam by every few minutes. Next, I leaped onto the bed, laughing like a little school girl, staring up at the glass ceiling. Chris eventually joined me on taking in the wonders of the sea.

I can now say that my husband and I went to the most kick-ass place in the world for our honeymoon. The Poseidon Undersea Resort.

2 years later.....

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