Chapter 14; Happy New Year

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There was a loud knock at the door. I stood up to answer it. Aaron was standing there, somehow carrying six 6-packs. I reached over to take three.

"There's more in the car! OZZIE! Get your lazy ass off the couch and help me! I'm not having the little lady do all the work!"

"How many beers did you bring, Aar?" Chris asked.

"About 54!"

"Aaron, there's gonna be kids here! They could accidentally get a hold of one and they don't need to see their parents wasted!" I told him.

"It's a party, Hannah! What idiot throws a party without beer?" He argued.

"Whatever, just let Chris help you with the rest. If any of the kids get a drink, I'm blaming you."

"Oz! Come!" They walked down the stairs to his car. I walked over to the beers and took them out of the packs, placing them on the counter. Seconds later Chris and Aaron came through the door with the remaining beers. They took those out on their own.

There was another knock at the door. I opened it to find Nick, Annika, and one of their four sons, Kevin.

"Hey guys, come on in! Woe, not you. Sorry, men douches tillåts inte i mit

t hem." I said to Kevin. We always joked around like that. He was one of my best friends, especially in the last few years. I had learned Swedish from spending so much time with him and his family. When my dad retired and Nick took over as captain, the two of them spent a lot of time together, my dad always wanting to give Kevin's dad some advice. Whenever my dad wanted to go to the Lidstrom's house, I wanted to go too.

"I'm not a douche! You are!" He attempted to check me and knock me to the floor but since I played hockey as well, it sort of backfired and he stumbled backwards while I stood firmly on the floor. I burst out laughing. I helped him up and closed the door.

After a while we got the music playing and the apartment was nearing full. I saw Lauren, Lindsay, Juliana, Val, Sam, and Helmer walk in so I walked over to them.

"Hey guys! Glad you could make it!" I shouted over the loud music. The twins looked around in amazement.

"This place looks incredible!" Lauren replied, shouting. "I love the decorations, the food smells incredible, everyone looks happy, good choice in music- but wait. Don't you think it's a bit loud? Like did you think about your neighbors? What if they're trying to sleep-"

"Lauren! Shut up! Just don't worry about it! Oh, and Lauren forgot to mention the amazing sight of all these hockey players!" Lindsay said, interrupting her sister. I laughed.

"You guys are more than welcome to go up and talk to any single one of them you wish! Now, let's go find Beka! She came in a while ago with Meechy," Then they all followed me back towards the kitchen, weaving our bodies through all the big, bulky hockey players, the tiny kids, the girlfriends and wives. I spotted Beka and Meechy talking, leaning against the granite kitchen counter, munching on a small shrimp cocktail.

"Hey guys! How are you?" I shouted at them through the loud music.

"Havin' lots of fun! This party is great, Hannah! Hey Der and I were wondering when you guys are gonna play a slow song. He promised me he'd dance with me," Rebekah said as she looked up into his eyes.

"Yeah! Dar and I'd like to slow dance too! Right, Darren?" Sam said, whipping her head back at Helmer, her eyes like daggers. He looked a bit frightened so responded quickly.

"Of course! Well really, Sam. I'll always wanna dance with you," Helmer said reassuringly. Sam smiled.

"Oh please, Hannah! Play a slow song!" Juliana piped in with the rest.

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