Chapter 25; Losing an Edge

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I was beginning to awaken, but my eyes were still closed. This all changed when I heard a familiar voice calling my name, getting closer to my bedroom.

"...Hannah...?...Hannah...?...Are you home...?" The voice was so familiar, but I just couldn't figure out who it was.

Just as the door was beginning to creak open, I became aware of what happened last night, where I was, and most importantly, WHO I was with.

I was lying flat on my back, head resting against the pillow. I felt Chris lying diagonally across me, on his stomach. His head was slightly drooping over the side of my body, his right arm motionless over the edge of the bed, his left arm bent, the left hand resting on my diaphragm.

My left hand was on top of his left hand. My other hand was resting on his back, involuntarily moving back and forth. I felt my hair sticking to my face.

Now I realized who had been calling my name.

As Timmy poked half his body through my door, I slapped Chris on the back, causing him to jolt. His eyes rushed open and he sat up, but I pushed him back down to his side of the bed so Timmy wouldn't have had to see anything.

I flicked my torso up, taking hold of the blankets and pulled them up, covering Chris and I from view.

"Timmy! What the hell are you doing in my apartment?" I demanded, looking at him with a furious expression.

"I-I'm sorry! I was going to get a copy of the newspaper for my dad when I noticed that your door wasn't closed all the way. And I also know that you're supposed to be having a practice right now, aren't you? So I thought I'd check and see if you were home so I could remind you of practice!" Timmy pleaded his case.

I smacked the palm of my hand to my forehead. I forgot to set my alarm. Babs was going to be so pissed that we're late.

"Ugh, shit! Thank you, Timmy. Now get out of here, will you? You can OBVIOUSLY see we're in need of some privacy," I said.

Timmy ran out. I heard my front door slam shut. I turned to face Chris, at first with a worried expression. But once I met those blue, sad eyes, I instantly felt relaxed. I rested my back on the headboard.

"Oh my God, I can't believe I made you late! I totally forgot to set my alarm! Ugh! And then we wouldn't have had to have that stupid awkward moment with Timmy! I feel like a fool," I apologized, meaningfully.

He laughed, shaking his head.

"Aw, Hannah. It was not your fault at all! It's just a mistake. Anyone could've done it. And you are definitely not a fool. The only fool in this room is me, because I am a fool for you," Chris reassured me, taking my hand in his.

My heart burst into fire. I missed the way he always made me feel better, no matter the situation.

"Well we should get dressed and get down to the Joe. We've already missed 20 minutes. If we hurry, you'll get about an hour of practice," I said, sliding out of bed.

He got out of bed too, walking around to meet me. He took my shoulders in his hands and pulled me up to his lips. To his disappointment, I placed my hands on his chest, using all my strength to prevent us from kissing.

When he realized what I was doing, he stopped and looked at me, very confused.

"Why can't I kiss you?" he asked, a look of worry spreading across his face.

"I'll kiss you when both our mouths are clean," I stated, plainly.

"What? Morning breath? But you weren't 'afraid' of that before..." he said, putting emphasis on 'afraid'.

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