Chapter 22; Black Lace Lingerie

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Waking up was a hard task until I smelled something cooking in the kitchen. I licked my lips as I rubbed my eyes. I looked around the room and saw that Jon wasn't there next to me.

The door was slightly open so I sat up and leaned back to look through the door. All I saw was Begna in the kitchen, cooking some sort of delicious meal.

I slowly lifted the covers off of my legs and swung them to the side of the bed. I walked to the door and opened it all the way and stood outside the doorway, looking around. I spotted Jon out on the deck so I began to walk in that direction.

"God morgon," Begna said as I approached the door. Good morning I thought in my head.

I looked to her and smiled as I slid the doors open.

It was another really nice day. The sun was making its way up in the sky again.

I crept up behind Jon and wrapped my arms around him from behind. He jumped a little and straightened up. We both laughed as he turned to face me. He rested his hands on my shoulder. I pulled him in for a hug again, my cheek pressed against his chest. I felt Jon lean down and rest his head on top of mine.

"Let's enjoy this morning before my dad gets up," Jon spoke quietly then laughing. I joined in with him.

"Well how would you like to enjoy this morning?" I asked, pulling my head away from his chest to look up into his big, brown eyes.

"I was thinking something along these lines . . ." he replied, pulling away from my grip and resting on one of the lawn chairs. I turned to look at him, standing at the edge of the chair.

He sat up straight, caught my hand, and pulled me into his lap. I giggled as he wrapped his arms around my waist and began kissing me all over my face, but my lips. I knew he was trying to make me crazy, and he was succeeding, but I tried not to show it so maybe he'd go crazy first.

I think we both must have cracked at the same time because he stopped kissing my face and I turned to him and the next thing I knew he had my lips plastered onto his.

I could have sworn I was going to melt. We sat there kissing, for minutes on minutes, occasionally stopping to breath. The only thing that could possibly ruin this moment is . . .

The glass door rushed open. We pulled away instantly to look into the face of Isak.

"Jonathan, komma. Jag måste prata med dig," Isak said, looking at Jon for a moment then looking at me, with almost a scowl on his face.

"Huh... I'm sorry... I knew this wouldn't last..." Jon apologized as he carefully lifted me off his lap and stood up. He bent down and gave me one last kiss. Isak cleared his throat and Jon whipped himself up, looking at me with a very apologetic face, and walked off through the door, Isak right behind him.

I leaned back on the chair, sighing. I only got a moment of peace before the door zipped open again and Svea poked her head through the door.

"Breakfast in 5 minutes!" she said, cheerfully. Her energy made me happy, though I was still angry at Isak.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" I said somewhat quietly. She nodded and walked over to the lawn chair across from me and sat down, staring at me intently.

"What's up?"

"Why does your father not like me?"

"Oh! It's not like he doesn't like you! It's just that he missed him and wants to really spend time with him," Svea replied with a bit of uncertainty in her voice.

"Then why aren't you or your mother doing the same thing. . . ?" I asked, confused.

She was quiet for a moment. She, herself looked confused.

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