Chapter 16; Spilled Water..Denver..

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I felt so many things happen to my body at once. I felt my jaw drop to my chest, my body feeling paralyzed, tears forming in my eyes and my heart fall into an abyss. I struggled to find words as Chris pushed Jenna off of him.

"Hannah! No! This isn't what it looks like! Please!" Chris pleaded.

I was finally able to conjure up words as anger overpowered surprise and sadness. "You bitch! Get the fuck out of my apartment before I call the fucking police!" I shouted louder than I had ever done before. At first she didn't take me seriously. Then she took a moment longer to look at me and saw how angry I really was. She got up, grabbed her things and headed for the door. She tried her best to keep a distance from me as she walked around me to the door. I just kept my eyes on her until I slammed the door behind her. Then I turned to Chris.

"Hannah... please..."

"No Chris. You lied to me. You promised me that nothing was going on between you two! You said I was your number one! Not that, that whore! Chris! I really liked you. More than you could ever know! And now you've shattered everything!"

Tears were beginning to well up in his eyes. When he spoke his voice was beginning to crack.

"Hannah, please just listen to me! She was the one who tracked me down! She asked some of the guys from the team! She told me that she just wanted to continue catching up then she just began kissing me!"

I thought about it a second then realized another flaw. "But Chris! You didn't fight back when she was kissing you! You could have easily pushed her away! You're a fucking goalie playing for an NHL hockey team! You let her kiss you!" Tears were running down my face now as reality was finally setting in.

"She was too clingy! I swear every time she got back on me I'd push her away but she'd be back on me the next second!" Chris was crying now. I hated seeing people close to me crying. I would immediately feel guilty. But this time I stood my ground. I was the one really hurt- he put this on himself.

"Chris, please leave. Gather your stuff and leave. I really can't be around you right now," I said as calmly and firmly as I could.

"Hannah..." his eyes and nose were red now. His cheeks were wet from so many tears falling down his face. His voice was cracking even more.

"Chris please go now... You're making this harder than it needs to be."

I stood there as he went into my room to pack up his backpack. After a few minutes he came out and stopped at the door, his hand on the door knob. He looked back at me. His eyes were pleading to me to forgive him. Well it was going to take a while for me to forgive him...

I shook my head. He hung his head low as he walked out and closed the door quietly.

As soon as I couldn't hear his footsteps anymore I finally broke down crying my eyes out then ran to the couch and cried into the pillow. After about 10 minutes I hated the silence. I grabbed the phone and dialed Juliana's number.



"Hannah? Are you okay?"

"N-no. Call th-the girls up a-and have ev-everyone come h-here p-please."

"Hannah what happened?" She asked, very serious now.

"J-just do it!"

"We'll be there in 10 minutes!" She hung up. I began to cry harder into the pillow.

Just as Juliana said, they all got here in 10 minutes. Juliana had a key to my apartment so she opened the door and her, Rebekah, Lindsay, Lauren, and Sam all came in and stopped and stared at me. I looked up at their worried faces and cried into the pillow again. They all came around me, some sitting on the couch, some on the armrest, some on their knees on the floor.

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