Chapter 21; The Ericssons

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I was awoken abruptly from a sound sleep from Jon shaking me.

"Hannah, get up! We gotta go!"

I turned slowly to look at him with tired eyes. I turned my head even farther to look at the clock. It was 7:30. I turned back at him with a look that read, 'Are you kidding me?'

"WHY? It's fricken 7:30 in the morning!" I complained.

"My parents called and said they wanted us out there by noon! That means we have to get going! It's a couple hour drive from here to Karlskrona. Rör på påkarna! Move it!" he explained, walking back to his far side of the bed.

"I know what that means, idiot! You don't have to say it again in English," I said, beginning to lift myself into a sitting position.

"Sorry... Forgot about your talent," he apologized, smiling. I rolled my eyes but they stopped 3/4's of the way around. I felt my body become paralyzed as I observed Jon taking off his T-shirt and tossing it on the bed. He was so muscular. He appeared to own a six pack as well. I had a sudden urge to leap out of bed and just run my hands all over him, to just feel his smooth skin covering up those beautiful muscles.

I heard my hyperventilating becoming louder so I forced by head to turn in the opposite direction, my eyes clenched together.

When I heard him close the door to the bathroom, I had a mental breakdown. I flopped onto my stomach, my face flat on the pillow. I began punching the bed on either side of me, kicking the bed, and screaming into the pillow, all this just to let off the energy I had just built up from seeing Jon a moment ago.

As if things couldn't get any worse, after about 30 seconds of my breakdown I felt Jon holding my hips, trying to flip me around.

"Hannah- Are you- Okay? What the- Hell are you do- ing?" He asked, frightened, in between attempts to flip me back to face him. Once I calmed down, I spoke.

"I was just... letting off some steam..."

"From what? You were just asleep!"

"Nothing. Let me get dressed now. Now go get me some coffee or something while you're waiting."

"I'll be back in 10 minutes so you better be ready!" He said, walking out the door.

I walked into the extra bedroom to get my clothes, do my makeup, and fix my hair.

It was surprisingly a warm day out for the end of February. Probably about 65 to 70 degrees. It was supposed to be like this for most of the day tomorrow apparently as well.

Jon helped me into the car, got in on his own side, then started the engine. Before pulling out of the parking space, he pressed a button by the radio and I heard all sorts of sounds coming from the car. Suddenly, the top of the car began to move behind us and down. The fresh air filled the inside of the car. I pulled out my sunglasses as Jon began to put his on and pull out of the parking lot.

The sun was creeping its way up in the sky. There were only a few clouds to count. I just couldn't believe the world around me. The air smelt different. Back in the US, the air was always full of disgusting pollutants and other terrible things.

One time, during my dad's last season, when the team went to LA, we were outside signing autographs. There were plenty who wanted mine as well, me being Stevie Y's daughter and all. And me being the big hearted girl that I am, I had to stop and sign all the things the fans wanted. I was probably signing for about 10 minutes. Then I waited by the bus door for my dad to finish. signing. That was about another 10- 15 minutes. By the time I sat down on the bus, I had developed a headache. Luckily for me, Pavel had some headache medicine, which I accepted gratefully.

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