Chapter 8; Make it Official?

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As I sat on the edge of my bed I watched as Same was beginning to get jumpy. I kept her waiting. Finally she cracked. She shot questions at me.

"What took you so long to get here? I thought you were only going out for coffee! Did you lie to me? Ooh, and what was the loud bang on our door?" She finally stopped talking, taking deep breaths.

"It's kind of a long story actually-" As soon as I said that she whipped out her phone and dialed Juliana's number.

"Get your tired ass over here now! She just got back!" Sam flipped her phone shut and not even a minute later, Juliana came though the door, looking excited.

"Tell- us- everything!" Juliana half screeched.

Sighing, I told them og how we had fought over our drinks at Starbucks. They thought that was adorable. Then I told them about the gang that nearly killed Chris and I. The entire time I spoke of this, they had horrified expressions on their faces.

"That was really heroic, what you did, Hannah! It probably showed him how much you really care about him!" Sam said.

"Then he walked me back to the room. I told him thank you for keeping me safe when the gang tried to get me. He said thanks back for getting him in the cab before getting shot. We hugged for a while then he suddenly had this like, serious expression on his face! I didn't know what to think! He suddenly reaches his hand up to my cheek then takes a step closer to we were basically touching! I thought I was going to faint," I said, remembering the jolt of excitement right before he kissed me. The girls were holding tightly to each others arms, beginning to squeal, and jumping up and down. "He leaned in and literally stopped right in his tracks! Our noses were brushing together and I was about to just grab him and kiss him! I couldn't wait any longer! Finally he pressed his lips to mine! He put his other hand on my other cheek and kissed me harder! I lost control and had to put my arms around his neck for fuckin' support!"

Both Sam and Juliana had their mouths dropped down to their chests. All was quiet for about 2 minutes. Out of absolutely nowhere, they screamed at the top of their lungs.

"Holy shit you two! Keep it down! We're in a fuckin' hotel!"I yelled. We then all silenced when there was heavy pounding on the wall by our beds. Then we heard Hank yelling through the wall at us.

"Would you girls keep it down?! We have an early flight to Phoenix tomorrow, and I don't know about you but we'd like to get at least a few hours of sleep before gettin' up at 4!" After that outburst from Hank we heard Emma, Hank's girlfriend, laughing hysterically.

"Don't mind him, girls! You keep having your fun! See you in the morning!" Emma shouted through the wall then it was silent. I looked at them with an I told you so face. But I couldn't hold it anymore. I burst out laughing. They were too until Juliana slapped Sam's arm and suddenly things got serious again.

"What was it like?" Sam asked with a wild glint in her eyes. I smiled as I remembered the details.

"Well... huh... It was incredible... His lips were so soft..." I trailed off and noticed that it was already 1:30. Juliana followed my gaze and gasped. She put her bathrobe back on.

"Sorry guys! I need to get some sleep tonight! I'll see you guys in a few hours." She walked though the door, closing it softly to avoid waking up the team.

"My god, man! You've really got it good right now..." Sam said slowly while turning her head to the bright TV. She sighed heavily and looked upset.

"Hun, what's wrong?"

She was silent for a moment. I thought she was just trying to find words but when she didn't say anything, I immediately knew she was keeping something from me.

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