Chapter 10; Room 230

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Chris held me in his arms as the horses trotted back to the ranch. He had turned the music off now so I could rest a little.

There was a large full moon hanging above us in the sky, lighting our way through the now dark and cold desert. There were billions of stars dancing around the moon as well. It was beautiful. I didn't want to leave. Then I remembered that we had a flight out of here, back to Detroit, tomorrow night right after the game. I suddenly felt sad and maybe even a little depressed at the thought of leaving the desert behind to go back to a cold, snowy city. I sighed and just watched the sky as we pulled up to the ranch. Aside from a small porch light and the lights from inside the cabin, the moon was really the strongest light. Had it not been there it would have been just about pitch black.

The horses had stopped and I watched as Cappuccino walked towards his water.

"Ready?" Chris asked me.

I sighed. I did not want to get of this horse. But I knew I had to.

"I guess..." I said.

He placed both his hands on the upper parts of my arms and lifted my high into the air and swung me to the side, putting me on the desert floor gently. He swun

g his leg over Mamba and landed on the ground. Chris looked at me and wrapped both his arms around me from behind. He placed his cheek on mine and we just stood there for a while. His warmth felt incredible. If he let go of me, I would be shivering.

He straightened up but kept an arm around my shoulders and kept me pinned up against his side as we walked into the cabin.

The girl looked up as we entered. She stood up.

"Y'all must have had a lot of fun out there! Y'all have been gone for a good few hours now!"

"We just wanted to take in the scenery before the sun went down," Chris told her.

They shook hands then we shook hands. Then we walked out to the car. Chris lifted me off my feet and sat me down in the car seat. He grabbed the seat belt and pulled it over my body. I heard the buckle snap shut. He turned his head to me. I placed my hands on his face and pulled him to me and gave him a quick kiss. We smiled as he pulled himself out of the car and walked around to his side.

He pulled out of the ranch and back on the dirt road. He grabbed my left hand, entwining his fingers through mine. Chris pulled my hand up and pressed his lips to the back of my hand. They were so soft and warm against my cold hand. I closed my eyes and giggled as he kissed my hand. He lowered our hands down and held mine in his lap as he drove to our hotel in Glendale.

I must have fallen asleep in the car because the ride seemed a whole lot shorter than I thought it would be. He pulled into a parking space then he ran around the front of the car to help me out. I was extremely tired and when I tried to stand I nearly fell flat on my face. Thankfully Chris had caught me as I fell into his arms.

"You're far too tired to be walking," he said as I grabbed my arms and lifted my on his back. I held on to my other hand and he held my legs so I wouldn't fall.

We walked into the lobby. It was about 10:45. We went up to the desk. Since we hadn't come here this morning with the team we didn't know where our rooms were.

"Hello, how can I help you?" the man asked.

"We're here with the Red Wings. Um, Osgood?"

"Oh yep, right here. Here's your key. You're room 230."

"Thanks," he said and took the key off the counter.

We walked onto the elevator. I was still on his back. The doors opened and we made our way quietly down the hall. I then realized that he forgot to ask for my key to my room.

"Hey, we forgot to get my key," I told him.

"Don't worry I have two." I was a little confused at first by what he meant. Then I understood.

He walked up to room 230 and put the key in the lock. He walked inside and sat me on the bed. I looked around and noticed that my bags were already here. But where was his roommate, Drapes?

"Isn't Drapes supposed to be here...?" I asked.

"When you were asleep on the ride over here I told him to go bunk with another guy."

"Okay and how are my bags here?"

"I asked him to stop by Sam's room to get em' for you."

I walked over to my suitcase and looked for some pajamas. I walked into the bathroom to put them on. I looked at myself in the mirror. I had definitely tanned a lot today from being in the sun for a few hours. My hair was very wavy from being tied up all day and having been blowing in the slight breezes. It hung to the middle of my back. I leaned down and washed the makeup off my face then dried it with a towel.

I walked out of the bathroom and found Chris lying on the bed, wearing a white T-shirt and boxers, watching Hockey Night in Canada. I walked to the opposite bed and began to open the covers so I could get into the bed. Chris cleared his throat. I looked over to him.


"Why you sleeping over there?"

"I don't know..."

"Come sleep here." He held the bed sheets open to allow me in. I shrugged then walked to the other bed. I sat down then swung my legs into the sheets, lying down on my back. I turned my head to him and he was smiling. He placed his hands on my hips and dragged me to to him. My back was glued to his chest. He draped his arm over my waist. He turned the TV off and put the light out.

The sound of his breathing and his heart beating serenaded me to sleep. In that one moment it felt like nothing else mattered. Nothing. I fell asleep dreaming of all the fun the two of us had that day. And also dreamed about what would come tomorrow.

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