Chapter 26; A Category Called Pinnipeds

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The next couple of weeks went by with little incident and mere happiness. I found myself happier than I had ever been in a very long time. Chris and I spent time together and found out more about ourselves.

One of the things he told me was that his sister is a teacher in Alberta. I didn't even know he had a sister!

I also found the time to tell him about my hockey life before I quit. Just as Jon had, Chris thought it was so exciting to hear how I was moved from team to team, being too good for one and the next, finally being moved to a boys' team.

I found myself wanting to be with him every second of every day. I was getting to the point where I didn't even want him to get out of bed in the morning to go to hockey. I couldn't get enough of him and neither could he.

The team was flying down to New York to verse the Rangers on March 25. They were one of the teams we seemed to face the least so we wanted to take the opportunity to hang around the city. Babs made reservations at a restaurant called Virgil's BBQ. Apparently we had the entire upper floor booked since we had so many people.

I was really looking forward to going. The last times I had gone to the Big Apple, I had only went to MSG, the hotel, and the airport. I never really explored the city. I guess it was because I was frightened being in a huge city like New York.

Hand in hand, Chris and I walked into our jet, taking our normal seats in the back of the plane. I was tired since we had to get up early to have time to explore the city before our dinner, but I had no plans of sleeping on the plane. I was far too excited for that.

The entire way there Chris and I basically played cards, looked through each other's Ipods, and talked. The talking was definitely my favorite. The sound of his beautiful voice made me feel at peace, calm, tranquil.

When we were flying over New York, I was plastered against the window, taking in the view of the steel canyons below, Chris looking as well. We found ourselves pointing out different things, saying that we should go here, we should go there. But the place I was really wanting to go to was the American Museum of Natural History. I'd never been able to go before and heard many great reviews on it.


We all got checked into our rooms at the hotel we were staying at. Chris and I, of course, had a room together. It wouldn't be safe to have us apart.

We weren't the only ones who had that same thought. Val and Juliana had a room of their own as did Rebekah and Meechy and Sam and Helmer. Rebekah and Sam just started getting into more serious relationships with their boyfriends. Not that I minded, but they didn't ask to hang out as much as they used to, getting all caught up in their love life. But when they did ask, I would gladly accept and listen to their stories of what her and him had done in the past couple of days.

At first when I realized that Juliana and Val were in one room next to us and Lindsay and Lauren were in the other one, I thought it would be great.

Then I thought about the nights and how much noise Chris and I may cause. This would freak the two Brothen twins out of their bedroom and annoy the crap out of Juliana and Val.

And then again, having her and Val next door could also annoy the crap out of us with them being loud as hell too. And let's face it, how can you not be loud in a situation like that?


The team was dressed as casually as possible, not wanting to attract fans at the moment. There were plenty of New Yorkers who were Red Wings fans.

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