Chapter 6; Another Fan

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I walked into the room and closed the door slowly. I was still smiling.

"Yo, douche! What took you so long to get here?" Sam asked.

"Sorry! I just... Chris and I were talking. That's all!"

"Well c'mon now! Get dressed for the game! We still need to make those posters to irritate those damn Avs and there brain- dead fans!" I began to laugh as I remembered our plans for the game. I opened up my bag and pulled out my dark blue skinny jeans followed by my dad's jersey. I went to the bathroom and straightened my hair as best as I could. I had very thick hair that got some serious volume, curls, and waves when I let it dry naturally.

When I was satisfied, I pulled out my diamond earrings and snapped them on as I made my way over to Sam who was on the floor, preparing the posters. I sat down with her and began our work. We made three- one for Juliana, one for Sam, and one for me.

After what seemed like only a few minutes, a knock came at our door. I stood up and went to answer it. Juliana was standing there with Val and his roommate, Jonathan Ericsson.

"Hey you two coming or not?" Juliana said with a little frustration.

"Is it that late already?" I looked down at my watch and it was already 5:30. "Oh shit sorry! Sam c'mon! We weren't keeping track of time! We gotta go now!"

"Well you obviously weren't..." Juliana snapped. Val wrapped his arms around her.

"Hun, calm down. It won't be the end of the world if we're a few minutes late," Val told her, attempting to calm her down.

"Sorry... I get like this when we're about to face this team. Sorry, Hannah," Juliana apologized.

"It's fine. Let me get my shoes. Sam grab those posters and let's go!" I walked over to my suitcase. I pulled out a pair of black pumps and headed out the door after Sam.

On the bus I sat with Sam and Juliana. I hadn't really talked to them since we left St. Louis a couple hours ago. I was thankful that they didn't ask about what Chris and I did. I wasn't in any mood to retell what happened. When nothing really did happen.

We pulled up to the arena. We all got out and made our way to the locker room. This time, Juliana and I wandered the arena for a while. Sam wanted to see her dad.

"So... you like Ozzie, do you?" she asked.

"I don't know, I mean yeah, I guess..."

"You must. I saw you sleeping on his shoulder on the plane."

"You make it sound like it's a bad thing. Are you okay?" I was beginning to get annoyed. Why would she care that I slept on his shoulder?

"I'm sorry. Nerves. No, it's fine," she said, taking a deep breath.

Fans began to enter the arena so we headed back to the locker room.

Chris was playing in net that night. I walked over to his stall.

"Hey, good luck tonight, Chris!"

"Thanks Hannah! I-"

"Let's go! Let's go! Let's go boys! Game time!" Babs yelled through the locker room.

"See you after the game, Hannah," he looked a bit disappointed. He leaned down- he was now a good 5 inches taller than usual with his skates on- and pecked my cheek. Butterflies.

"I'll be cheering for you!" I said as he put his helmet on and made his way to the ice.

Juliana, Sam, and I made our way to our usual seats behind our bench, this time with our posters.

"Oh look! There's a Wings fan!" Juliana pointed out. We sat down, me next to the girl.

"Hey, way to be, man!" I screamed over the loud fans. She looked over to me and the girls, looking relieved that she wasn't sitting alone anymore.

"There aint no other way to be! How you guys doin'?" the girl asked.

"Good, good. We're pumped! We're gonna kick those Avs asses!" I yelled.

"Definitely! Hey, you guys look familiar. Have we met before...?" she asked.

"I don't think so. I'm Hannah Yzerman, this is Juliana Draper, and that's Sam Maltby."

Her face lit up. "Wow, it's nice to meet you guys! I'm Rebekah. And by the way, your dads are fantastic!" Rebekah said.

"You from around here?" Sam piped up.

"Yeah, I've lived in Denver for most of my life. My parents lived in Michigan when they were younger so that's why I'm a Wings fan."

"Well at least you're not brain- dead!" Sam blurted out. We all began laughing.

The game was going well. We were winning 4-2.

"So Rebekah, you got your eye on any of my boys?" I asked with curiosity.

"Yeah, actually. Derek Meech has attracted my attention. He's so cute and he seems to have an amazing personality!" she replied.

"Ah, that's cool! Yeah he is pretty cute!"

The game ended. We won 4-2. The four of us got up and stretched.

"Well it was really nice to meet you guys! Thanks for a fun night!" She was about to turn around until I spoke.

"Hey where you think your going? You said you liked Derek Meech so c'mon let's go see him!" She looked extremely surprised but immediately began to follow us to the locker room.

I located Meecher. Rebekah looked shy but I pushed her along.

"Yo, Meecher! You got a big fan of yours here who wants to talk to you!" He looked up and once he met Rebekah's eyes, I could tell they were all set.

Juliana had disappeared to find Val. He had scored 2 times and she was determined to congratulate him. Sam had left to find Malts so I was alone again. I decided to go see Chris.

I ran into Huds who scored once and gave him a hi five. And then did the same to Sammy. I finally made it to Chris's stall. When he looked up and saw me, he smiled wide.

"Hey! You did it again! Great job, Chris!"

"Thank you! I had you to motivate me," Chris said. That sent chills through my body. "Who's this little friend of yours that Meecher seems very attached to?" He indicated over to where Rebekah and Meecher were talking intently. Their gaze never wandered from the other's eyes.

"Oh, that's Rebekah. We were sitting next to her and she wanted to meet him."

"Well that was nice of you. I'm going to take a quick shower then I'm going to take you out for coffee! Stay here!" He ran to the showers with a towel. I awaited him with excitement.

Juliana and Val walked to me and said they were heading back to the hotel with the team. Sam came by soon after and asked if I was heading back as well.

"Chris and I are going for coffee. I'll be back later." She winked.

"Tell me what happens when you wake up!" then she left.

Rebekah and Meecher walked over, holding hands.

"Thanks, Hannah," she whispered as they walked past. I mouthed no problem and smiled. At that moment Chris came out, this time dressed in a blue jeans and a reddish shirt that read, "Made in Detroit". I thought it was adorable.

"You ready?" I nodded. He grabbed his equipment back and we walked out to the bus. He threw his bag in the bus. He looked at me and smiled. His eyes made me a little weak in the knees but I fought to stay standing.

"Let's go!" He took my hand in his, his palms were slightly sweaty, then we walked off to catch a taxi.

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