Augustus Gloop

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(Her outfit)

Sam was in the candy room, it was one of her favourite rooms in the factory. Right now she had found the tallest of the candy cane trees and was climbing it for fun.

She had just gotten to the top when her dad burst into the room.

"Sam! The first ticket, it's been found!" He stopped shouting and began looking around the room "Sammy where are you?"

"Look up!" She shouted back and Willy Wonka looked up and saw his daughter sitting at the top of the tree reading a book.

"Sam how many times have I told you not to climb the trees"

"I know but it's a great reading spot, I can see the whole room from here"

"Get down please"

She climbed down a couple of the branches but stopped halfway and looked at the ground.

"Sam, don't"

She let go of the branches and jumped off the tree landing on the grass and rolling down a small hill. She stood up and laughed but stopped when she saw her dad's face.

"Sorry, what were you saying before"

The annoyance on his face dissapered and a bright smile replaced it.

"The first golden ticket has been found by a boy in Germany!"

He walked over and grabbed her hand, dragging her over to the glass elevator. Sam pressed the button that said TV room and they flew off to the bright white room.

Wonka dragged his daughter over to the couch and eagerly sat down as an Oompa Loompa turned on the television.

"I eating the Wonka bar and I taste something that is not chocolate. Coconut or walnut or peanut butter or nougat or butter brittle or caramel or sprinkles"
"We get it!" Sam yelled at the TV and her dad shushed her.

"So I look and......I find the golden ticket!"

"Augustus, how did you celebrate?"

"I eat more candy"

He then pulls another Wonka bar from his pocket and ripped it open, greedily eating it while his mother spoke.

"We knew Agustus would find the golden ticket, he eats so many candy bars a day that it was not possible for him not to find one"

She grabbed his arm and holds the ticket up as reported snapped pictures and shouted more questions.
"I don't like him"

"Me either Sammy but there is still four more tickets out there maybe the next child will be better"

"I guess your right, well I'm going to go back to my reading, you interrupeted me at my favourite part I'll have you know"

Willy Wonka laughed and looked at Sam.

"What book is it?"

"Alice in Wonderland, my favourite!"

"Of course"

She gave her dad a hug then walked back over to the glass elevator.

"No more climbing trees!" Her dad shouted just before she got in.

"I cant promise that" she replied cheekily and quickly got in the elevator and flew off before her dad could catch her.

Samantha WonkaWhere stories live. Discover now