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Sam slipped her hand into Charlie's and laced their fingers together.

When Mike noticed her walked over to them and decided to introduce himself to Sam.

"Hello, I'm Mike Teavee it's nice to meet you"

"Hi, I'm Samantha but you can call me Sam, its nice to meet you too" A light shade of blush rose into her cheeks.

"Would you like to walk with me?"

Sam turned to Charlie and he smiled at her.

"It's alright Sam go and walk with him, I should try making friends with some of the other kids"

"Thank you Charlie, I'll meet up with you in the next room"


Mike took Sam's hand and took her back over to where he was walking with his dad.

"Don't you want to know our names?" Agustus asked.

"Can't imagine how it would matter, come quickly there is far to much to see, just drop you coats anywhere"

Will took if his coat and glasses and threw them on the floor. While everyone else took if their coats neatly folding them on the floor.

"Mr Wonka it sure is toasty in here" Mr Teavee stated

"What? Oh yeah we have to keep it warm in here because my workers are used to an extremely hot climate, they just can't stand the cold"

"Who are the workers?"

Before Will could answer Sam did it for him.

"You'll see soon enough Charlie"

Will noticed Mike and Sam's hands interlocked with eachother and wasn't to happy about it.

"Sam, come over here darling"

She gave Mike and apologetic look and walked over to her dad who immidiately grasped her hand tightly. Just as they were about to confirm forward there were stopped by Violet who had decided to hug them, Sam and Will jumped in suprise.

"Mr Wonka, Samantha I'm Violet Beauregard" she said still snaking her gum making Sam grimace, she hated gum.

"Oh... I don't care and please don't hug Sam, she doesn't like being close to strangers"

"Well you should care because I'm the kid who's gonna win the special prize at the end"

"Keep telling yourself that" Sam whispered under her breath and Will squeezed her hand telling her to be quiet.

"Well you do seem confident and confidence is key"

Violet looked up to her mother for approval and all she got in return was a hard stare. The were stoped from walking forward yet again but this time by Veruca.

"I'm Veruca Salt it's very nice to meet you Sir, ma'am" she did a little curtsey and smiled at them, she remained Sam of the Cheshire cat.

"I always thought a Veruca was a little wart you got on the bottom of your foot, haha"

He smile dropped, replaced with a frown and Sam turned her head away as she giggled a little. Then the fat boy stood right infornt of Veruca and Samantha took a step back not liking how close he was.

"I'm Agustus Gloop, I love your chocolate" he took a bite from a candy bar and chewed it with his mouth open causing Sam to quietly groan.

"I can see that and so do we, we never expected to have so much in common did we Sam?"

"Not at all" She stated trying her hardest not to laugh at her dad's sarcasm.

Wonka paused for a second but spun around to face Charlie and Mike. He decided to speak to Mike first.

"You, your Mike Teavee your the little devil who cracked the system"

"We're happy to have you and your father here" Sam cut in sending Mike a small smile which he returned. Will then spoke to Charlie.

"And you well your just lucky to be here aren't you"

"Dad! Don't be mean, they are the same as everyone else"

"Your right Sammy" Will said putting a hand on her head then turned back to the buckets "I apologize, and the rest of you must be there p-"

Come to think if it Sam had never heard him say the word parent or parents he only ever said dad and sometimes even that was heard for him.


"Yeah that. Moms and dads. Dad. Papa"

He then seemed to go into a trance so Sam mustered up all the courage she had and explained what was going on.

"Sometimes certain words can trigger flashbacks for my dad so please be careful if what you say"

He snapped out of it and smiled at everyone.

"Let's continue...."

They started walking down the corridor with thankfully no interruptions this time.

"Is it just me or do the Wonkas seem a few quarters short of a buck" Mike's dad said to Mr Salt who responded with.

"Sorry I don't speak American"

They both spoke in a loud enough voice for both Sam and her dad to hear. Sam looked down in embarrassment and he dad whispered to them.

"Just ignore them starshine"

"Would you like some chocolate?" Augustus asked Charlie


"Then you should have bought some"

Sam whipped around and harshly scowled at the fat boy. She reached into her pocket and pulled out two different candy bars that her dad had given her this morning, it was a new flavour that he had made just for her.

She handed one to Charlie.

"Here try this Charlie it's a new flavour that no one else has ever tried and won't be getting released to the public"

"Wow, are sure you want me to have it Sam?"


"Could I have some?" Agustus asked, he had been listening in on their conversation when he saw Sam take the chocolate from her pocket.

Sam looked at him and paused as if she were thinking.

"Ummmm, no."

She turned back around to face forward and opened up her candy bar braking if a little and eating it. Charlie did the same and gave a little to his grandpa and it was the best thing either of them had ever tasted.

Sam broke about her but off and handed to to her dad.

"Thank you starshine, what do your think of it?"

"It's amazing dad, I love it"

Will smiled as his daughter and out his arm around her shoulders.

The two girls Violet and Veruca looked at each other.

"Lets be friends"

"Best friends"

They linked arms and had serous faces as they continued walking. As they got closer to the end of the hallway the guests noticed that it was getting smaller until they had to crouch down a little. At the end of the corridor was a very tiny door and they all crowded around it.

"Now this is the most important room in the entire factory"

"Then why is the door so small?" Mike asked.

"To keep all the chocolaty flavour inside"

Will took a large set of keys from his pocket and unlocked the tiny door and as if by magic another door opened that was much bigger than the last and everyone was able to walk through it to find. The chocolate room.

Samantha WonkaWhere stories live. Discover now