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"Well, why would I want to send a person? They don't taste very good at all"

"Don't you realize what you've invented!" Mike shouted steadily growing angrier at Will who had shared an annoyed look with the oompa Loompa and his daughter "It's a teleporter, it's the most important invention in the history of the world and all you can think about is chocolate"

"Calm down Mike" Mr Teavee warned his son rather weakly "I think Mr Wonka knows what he's talking about"

"No he doesn't, he has no idea. You think he is a genius but he is an idiot. But I'm not"

Mike went to run off but Sam grabbed his hand making him turn around.

"Mike don't it could be dangerous!"

His face did soften a little but soon went back to an annoyed glance. 

"I'll be fine, I know what I'm doing" He shrugged her off of him causing her to fall over and her glasses fell off her face.

Mike ran off towards the platform, jumping over and knocking down a couple oompa Loompas on his way.

"Hey, little boy, don't touch my button" Will said as Mike  got up to the control panel but the little boy payed him no mind as he stepped on the button and jumped onto the slowly rising platform, he started doing poses as he slowly rose.

"Oh no, my glasses!" Sam exclaimed while going to pick up her glasses but Charlie pulled her into him.

"There's no time"

He shielded her eyes from the bright light as a bang was heard and Mike was gone. The two pulled away and Charlie cupped her face, looking into her eyes.

"Are you alright?"

She smiled up at him "I'm fine Charlie, thank you"

Charlie and Sam felt like they were in there own little world, brown eyes getting lost in purple. However they were brought back into reality by Mr Teavee.

"He's gone!"

"Lets go check the television and see what we get" They all quickly gathered around the television looking for any sign of Mike "I sure hope no part of him gets left behind"

"What do you mean?" Mr Teavee asked in horror.

"Well, sometimes only half the little pieces find their way through" Will said "If you had to choose only one half of your son, which one would it be?" He asked the father who looked at him like he was crazy.

"What kind of question is that?!" He asked

"No need to snap, it was just a question" Will said with a small pout, turning back to the Tv "Try every channel, I'm starting to feel a little anxious" Will told the oompa Loompa who was sat in the chair behind them. The oompa Loompa flicked the channel and rock music started to play. 

"There he is!" Sam pointed out.


The oompa Loompa flicked through more and more channels and a song about Mike was sung, Wonka covered his daughters eyes when a shower scene came on. Once the song had ended Mike was squashed with a book.

"Ew, somebody grab him"

"Help me" Mike cried in a very high pitched voice and his father picked him up.

"Oh thank heavens, he's completely unharmed" Will said looking at the boy who was now the size of his fathers hand.

"Unharmed? What are you talking about"

"Just put me back in the other way" Mike said.

"There is no other way. It's television, not telephone and there is quite a difference" Will said in a matter of fact tone

Samantha WonkaWhere stories live. Discover now