big pink boat

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Everyone excitedly clamoured onto the boat trying to find the best seats, Mike pulled Sam down into the space next to her, giving her hand a quick squeeze to calm her nerves.

Willy Wonka sat at the back of the boat next to Charlie and his Grandpa, he looked around to see where his daughter had chosen to sit and when he did, he was not happy about it.


The boat began to move again at a slow and steady pace, Sam sucked in a breath and layed her head on Mike's shoulder, upon seeing this Will's gloved hand tightened into a fist but he didn't say anything.

He dipped a ladel into the chocolate river and handed it to Charlie.

"Here have some of this, you look starved to death"

The young boy greatfully tool the ladel and drank the liquid chocolate and passing it onto his grandpa.

"It's great!"

"That's because it's mixed by waterfall, the waterfall is most important, mixes the chocolate, churns it up and makes it light and frothy and by the way no other factory in the world, m-"

He was suddenly cut off by the rich girl, Veruca, as she turned around and spoke in an emotionless voice.

"You all ready said that"

Will paused for a second, slightly leaning back in his seat but a smile soon re appeared on his face.

"Your all quite short aren't you?"

"Well yeah, were children"

"Well that's no excuse I was never as short as you"

"You were once" Mike said and Sam agreed by saying "everyone was a kid once, you must have been our height at some point"

Wonka frowned a little at her statement, come to think of it she had never disagreed with home before so why now? Must be that kid she is sat with he thought.

"Was not, you know why? Cuz I distinctly remember putting a hat on top of my head, look at your short little arms, you could never reach"

Mike just turned back around with a sigh and Sam covered her face in embarrassment making the boy laugh a little.

"Do you even remember what it was like being a kid?" Charlie asked him

"Oh boy do I, do I?"

Will then seemed to space off again, not listening when people said his name or tried to gain his attention. Sam turned to look at Charlie and smiled kindly at him.

"He will be fine Charlie, it's not your fault, he doesn't really talk about his childhood much"

The young boy just nodded and smiled back at her. A free a couple off minutes they began getting dangerously close to a tunnel.

"Uh oh" Sam said and everyone turned to her looking a little frightened. The girl rose from her seat and rushed over to her dad tugging on his sleeve.

"Dad? dad?"

He finally seemed to snap out of his trance and looked at his daughter.

"Hello Sammy, why aren't you sitting down?"

"We're heading for a tunnel" Charlie informed him, Mr Wonka grabbed his daughter and pulled her onto his lap, tightly wrapping his arms around her.

"Oh yeah, full speed ahead"

"How can they see where they are going?"

"They can't, there is no knowing where they are rowing"

A creepy smile etched its way onto his face, unnerving Samantha a little which he was quick to notice.

"No need to be scared darling, you will be just fine" he whispered to her, she laid her head on his chest and closed her eyes, knowing exactly what was coming.

"Switch on the lights"

Brights lights suddenly flashed on and the boat dropped, racing down at a verticle angle, a few people screamed and others laughed.

It took a few twists and turns before slowing down again, returning to its earlier speed and drifting pass a couple off rooms. Wonka placed a small kiss on his daughters head and she pulled away a little so she could look around at all the rooms.

"People, keep an eye out we are passing some very important rooms"

All the rooms they passed had something to do with candy cream, except for the last one.

"What do you use hair cream for?" Mrs Beauregard asked and Sam rolled her eyes.

"Oh I don't know? Maybe you put it in your hair?" She said sarcastically and Wonka flicked her head as a sign to tell her to be quiet.

"To lock in moisture" her replied. She turned back around with a scowl.

They passed an open room where a couple of oompa loompas could be seen whipping a cow.

"Whipped cream" Charlie said with a smile on his face.

"Oh yeah, good job Charlie" Sam praised and high fives him


"That doesn't make sense" Veruca said.

"For your information little girl whipped cream isn't whipped cream at all unless it's been whipped with whips, everybody knows that"

The boat began to pick up speed again and Sam tightened her grip on her dad's arm, a thought suddenly crossed her mind, why doesn't she try singing a song to calm her down a little.

"There is no earthly way of knowing

Which direction we are going"

She began, making the lyrics up as she went along.

"There no knowing where were rowing

Or which way the rivers flowing

Is it raining?

Is it snowing?

Is a hurricane a blowing?

(She does sing this part and not about it like Willy Wonka does)

Not a spec of light is showing so the danger must be growing

For the rowers keep on rowing

And there certainly not showing any signs that they are slowing"

By the time she had finished her dad was spooking down at her with a smile. The boat had stopped once again and everyone else was too occupied with the rooms to be listening to their conversation.

"That was a cute little song Sammy, did you just make that up"

"Yes, I was trying to get my mind off the ride and calm my nerves"

"It's alright now" he comforted while stroking her hair "the beat has stopped going as fast, how about we stop it here and go into one of the rooms?"

"Yes please"

"Alright" he raised his voice "stop the boat, I wanna show you guys something"

The boat had stopped moving and everyone climbed off it, as Char lie was getting off he held his hand out to Sam and helped her off.

"Thank you Charlie"

"No problem Sam"

He didn't let go of her hand as they stood outside of the next room on the tour, the inventing room.

Samantha WonkaWhere stories live. Discover now