squirrel attack

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"Get me one of those squirrels. I want one" Veruca demanded

"Veruca dear, you have many marvellous pets at home" Her father said

"All I've got at home is one pony and two dogs and four cats and six bunny rabbits and two parakeets and three canaries and a parrot and a turtle and a silly old hamster! I want a squirrel"

Her father sighed in defeat.

"All right pet, Daddy'll get a you a squirrel as soon as he possibly can"

But this wasn't good enough for the spoilt little rich girl.

"But I don't want any old squirrel as soon as he possibly can"

"Very well" He then turned his attention to Mr Wonka who had been pretending that he couldn't hear their conversation.

"Mr Wonka? how much do you want for one of those squirrels? name your price" Veruca looked at Will with a large, fake smile plastered on her face.

"Oh there not for sale, she can't have one"

Veruca's smile was soon replaced with a frown.


"I'm sorry darling" Once everyone saw that it wasn't Mr Salt speaking they all looked at will who was doing a perfect impression of the man " Mr Wonka is being unreasonable"

"If you won't get me squirrel I'll get one myself" she climbed through the gate and started walking down the steps.

"Veruca wait!" Sam called and the girl turned around "Those squirrels can be pretty dangerous sometimes..." She hesitated, thinking about what she was going to say next, but she desperately didn't want to lose her only friend other than Charlie "I'm coming with you"

she slipped through the bars as well and walked down the steps going hands with the other girl and they carried on towards the squirrels.


"Sammy" Mr Salt and Mr Wonka said at the same time.

Neither of the girls listened and just carried on walking.

"Veruca you come back here at once!" Mr Salt tried being a little firmer with his daughter but it was no use.

"Samantha, come back up here now! and don't touch the squirrels nuts; it will make them crazy"

Once again the girls acted as if they hadn't heard a thing. Veruca had spotted the one that she wanted and began to reach out for it.

"I'll have you"

Then without warning all of the squirrels pounced at the two girls making them jump back in fear, the gripped each others hangs tighter and used their free ones to push the animals off. Mr Salt began trying the gate, trying to get it open, Charlie and Mike turned towards Will the former looking scared and the latter looking angry.

"Mr Wonka, please make them stop!" Charlie pleaded

"Do something you idiot! That's your daughter down there!" Mike shouted.

Will took out a large key chain with lots of keys littering it, while he was doing that the squirrels had pinned the girls to the floor and were roughly scratching at their arms and entwined hands tying to make them let go. Will kept trying to find the key but kept putting the wrong one into the lock.



"Daddy I want them to stop!" Veruca screamed

"Dad, help us!" Sam shouted. Two Squirrels had ran up the girls' bodies and tapped on their heads.

"What are they doing?"

"There testing to see if they are a bad nut" The squirrels both made high pitched squeaks but they sounded different. "Oh my goodness, Veruca is a bad nut after all"

The squirrels that were holding Veruca crawled underneath her and began taking her towards the large hole in the middle of the floor as she screamed in protest. The ones the were pinning Sam scurried off her and began  helping the other ones with Veruca.

"Where are they taking her?" Mr Salt asked in fear

"Where all the other bad nuts go. Down the garbage chute"

"Where does the chute go?"

"To the incinerator" Will replied, not looking concerned for the girl at all "But don't worry, they only light it on Tuesday"

"Today is Tuesday" Mike said flatly and Wonka glared at him.

"Well, there's always the chance they decided not to light it today"

Sam scrambled onto her feet and rushed after the squirrels and held out her hand to Veruca who desperately tried to reach for but it was too late as a loud scream echoed through the room and Veruca was sent down the garbage chute. There was a moment of silence before the squirrels ran back to their stations and carried on working as if nothing had ever happened.

"Now she may be stuck in the chute, just below the top. If that is the case all you have to do is reach in and pull her out. kay?"

Wonka had finally seemed to have found the right key and carefully opened up the gate so that Mr Salt could go down and retrieve his daughter. As he descended oompa Loompas in yellow uniforms began to sing and dance.

"Sam!" Charlie shouted

Sam quickly rushed back up the steps and into Charlie's open arms. They hugged each other very tightly.

"Oh Charlie it was so scary"

"It's alright Sam you're okay now" The young boy reassured her.

The two children let go of each other and Will pulled his daughter in for a hug as well. To his surprise Sam pulled away and glared at him.

"You knew which one was the right key, they have labels on them"

Will frowned at his daughter and went to explain himself but she had already walked away back over to Charlie, Grandpa joe took the girls hand and noticed a red patch on her sleeve. The squirrels had scratched at her arms so much  that the cuts began to blead again. He spoke in a quiet voice that only she, him and Charlie could hear.

"Sam you promised"

A couple months ago Charlie had found out about Sam's self harming when they were doing homework and much to her annoyance he had told his grandpa Joe about it, the older man had made the young girl promise him that she would never do it again.

"I know, I'm sorry but I couldn't do it, please forgive me" She begged. 

Joe took his scarf off and wrapped it around her wrist and put both of his hands on her shoulders.

"It's alright, no need to cry" he told her

"But please never do it again" Charlie said holding out his pinkie, she sighed before wrapping her pinkie around his.

"I promise"

The three of them re joined the group as one of the oompa Loompas came up to Will and whispered something to him.

"Really, oh good"  The oompa Loompa left and Will addressed the group "I've just been informed that the incinerator is broken so there should be three weeks of rotten garbage to break their fall"

"Well, that's good news" Mr Teavee said.

"Yeah well, let's keep on trucking"

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