Chapter 3 - Discovering Feelings

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Kenma noticed that the week passed by faster then he imagined and now he was in his and Hinata's bus going to their next concert.

Kenma and Hinata were discussing the songs they were going to sing when Hinata got a text from his Volleyball group chat.

SugaMama: Me and Daichi got everyone tickets for The Broken Hearts Concert in Tokyo today!

BroRyu: Really! Thank you mom, dad! Ennoshita said he would like to come aswell!

Jesus: Wait really! Those tickets can cost an arm and leg!

Dadchi: The Nekoma team invited us. They apparently got a few tickets from Kenma who couldn't go. They also had this sale going on where if you buy five uou get three for half off.

MilkMan: I just asked, I can go.

Jesus: Me and Noya can go.

Shoot! "Kenma look!" Shōyō says, showing Kenma his phone.

"Crap I didn't think my team would invite yours."

"I'll just say I can't go"

TinyGiant: I can't go, my mom needs me to help with Natsu. Sorry!

SugaMama: It's okay we did ask last minute so we weren't sure if everyone could make it.

StaryGuchi: Me and Tsukki can go! Where do you want to meet up?

Naruto: Me and Kinoshita should be able to make it.

SugaMama: So here's everyone who's going, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Noya, Asahi, Tanaka, Ennoshita, Kageyama Daichi, Me, Narita and Kinoshita. So everyone besides Hinata.

TinyGiant: Yup, sorry I can't go again! I had already promised my mom. Anyways I need to go. I'll watch it on live tv with my sister later tho!

SugaMom: Bye Hinata!

Dadchi: Bye Hinata!

StaryGuchi: Bye Hinata~chan!

BroNoya: Bye Shoyo!

TinyGiant has left the chat

"Kenma! Everyone on my team is coming! What do we do!" Hinata said freaking out and throwing his phone to Kenma.

"We'll just do what we always do. Plus you said you're watching it on Tv so you'll have a basic idea of what's happening." Kenma said scrolling through his phone for outfit ideas.

"Hinata, what if you sing Heather while in one of my hoodies?"

"CAN I," Hinata excitedly yelled out.

"Of course which one?"

"The big black one! It will look amazinggggggg with my black and white flannel!"

"Oh uh sure," Kenma said with a slight blush.

Hinata and Kenma talked about the concert before laughing at random things there teammates have been up to.

"So Bokuto showed up dragging Akaashi, and those two together created chaos. Anyways they had this bro moment before they started crying for almost an hour. Me and Akaashi couldn't break them apart for anything." Kenma explained.

Hinata never met the other teams but knew their personalities and how they look from videos and stories. Kenma would record so many funny videos and make it look like he was playing a video game.

Soon the tour bus arrived at the concert hall in Tokyo. The duo quickly left the bus and went to their dressing room for their outfits.

Hinata has an innocent look and the way he sings makes you want to protect him from the world. He makes people forget their problems and the world and take them back to when they were a small child, innocent to the harsh world. Most people call Hinata the human embodiment of puppy love.

On the other hand, Kenma looks more like a bad boy or player. He could sing the same song as Hinata yet he can make men hard and ladies dripping before the first verse is even over. His voice is rough yet smooth and he knows how to turn people on.

"Koz ~ chan!" Hinata called out causing kenma to look at him. There was Hinata wearing his slightly too big black hoodie. It was oversized on Hinata going down to his thighs. You could barely see Hinata's fingers. He had a flannel underneath the hoodie however you could only see the collar and part of the bottom. His light blue distressed jeans and white slide on vans.

"Y- yes Shoyo?" Kenma stuttered out with a slight blush.

'What's happening to me? My heart beats faster than when I play volleyball; only this happens when I'm near to thinking about Sho. Dang it I love the small, energetic singer.' Kenma thought, not realizing Hinata's having similar thoughts.

'Why does my heart go like Thump Thump Thump when I think of Kozume. I just fit perfectly in his arms and he makes me feel so soft and warm. i'll have to ask Suga about this feeling.'

"Koz ~ Chan It's time to get ready to get on stage. Do you want me to tie your hair up?" Shoyo asked.

"S - Sure" Kenma stuttered out.

Kenma turned his back to Hinata, like he had done many times in the past, this time felt different as Hinata changed his hairstyle slightly. He made his bun higher up on his hair, it kinda looked like a messy bun woman with long hair wear often.

"Done," Hinata explained giving Kenma a mirror to look through. Kenma looked at his hair and outfit, he was wearing a white shirt with a black cardigan and black skinny jeans. He had a necklace on that looked like a hat. His outfit was similar to Shoyo's oversized hoodie and flannel look.

"Are you ready to get on stage?" Kenma asked the teen.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

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