Chapter 7 - Was that a Confession?

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Kenma's Point Of View

I finished up editing the song but decided to let Hinata keep practicing, it had only been 45 minutes since he left.

I went into the guest room, which feels more like my own room, and changed my clothes. I was now wearing black overalls with a black and white long sleeve shirt. He put on white socks and grabbed black and white high top vans. I put the vans by the door for when he needs to leave.

I need to remind Hinata not to add the honorific to my name and to start calling me by my first name. I only let a few people call me by my first name but Sho was that exasperation, I let him the first time I saw him.

I checked my phone and saw a text from our manager.


Time: 10:46

Apparently this duo called, "The owls," wants to make a few songs with us and have a concert as well.


Time: 10:46

I've heard about them before, they make more music style than Hinata but it could work. What's the songs?


Time: 10:47

Here's the song they want you to help sing with them. They want more of you than Hinata in the first one but they still have a few lines for Hinata that make him sound even more innocent.


Time: 10:47

Let me listen to that one first.


Time: 10:47

Here's the song



It's really good, Can we meet them in the studio around 13:30?


Time: 10:50

That should work. Can you tell Hinata?


Time: 10:51


Third Person Point If View

Kenma quickly put his hair in a bun before taking a mirror photo of his outfit. He made his phone block his face before he took the photo. Kenma quickly posted it to his Akiro Instagram account.

Kenma then quickly messages Hinata that he would need to be at the studio around 13:00.

'He's probably not going to see that. I'll call him in 30 if he doesn't answer. Or I can call Suga saying I'm his father and need him at my work then...? That could work.'

Kenma ended up trying to call Hinata but after 3 missed calls he called Suga.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Hello Is this Suga?"

"Yes may I ask who you are?"

"Yes I'm Hinata's dad! Can you put him on the phone really quick?"

"Ya sure, Hinata it's your dad."

"He - Hello?"

"Sho! I need you to come to my work, you know the studio at around 13:00pm. Alright."

"Yes Koz- I mean dad"

"You were about to call me my last name again huh?"


"I've told you this before call me Kenma."

"Okay! How is Kenma?"

"Why does it sound like your talking in third person?"

"I am not!"

"Sure anyways I'm fine. I saw you like an hour and a half ago. Anyways we're going to be working with someone new today."

"Really who?"

"The owls"

"Really! Wow!"

"Yup anyways can Suga run you up to the studio? I need you to be here around 13:00 so leave around 12:35 or something."

"Alright I'll tell Suga that thanks! Bye dad!"

"Bye Sho."

"Love you!" Hinata said before hanging up leaving a very red Kenma.

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