Chapter 5 - The Moonlight

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[AN: I wrote this chapter where it was longer and had a different ending but I thought this ending was so cute! I'm going to post chapter 6 later today because of that!"

Hinata woke up feeling warm, he felt a weight on his head and knew it was Kenma. He looked out the bus window to see them pulling up to the studio near Hinata's house. From the studio they'll get into Hinata's car and drive to Hinata's house.

"Koz~Kun wake up," Hinata said in a small, tired voice. Hinata felt Kozume stir and yawn.

"Yes Shoyo," Kenma yawned out while rubbing his eyes like a cat.

"We're at the studio. We gotta wake Natsu up. She's with Yachi~Chan. Yachi's sister here as well."

"Okay Shoyo I'm getting up." Kenma said before stretching his body cat like.

"You kinda remind me of a Kitten Koz~Kun," Hinata said giggling a little.

'Holy Jesus Asahi, his smile and giggle are so cute! Cbcyicdbwucho Fuck gay panic! He's just so cute and him calling me a kitten makes me want to spoon him all day. He's always so warm and bright that I feel awake and relaxed around Shoyo. Fuck him and my hoodie earlier looked so cute!' Kenma thought, or well more gay paniced in his head.

"Koz~Kun?" Hinata asked his best friend.


"You started to stare into space are you okay?"

"Ya just tired!" Kenma slightly fibed, it wasn't a full lie because he was tired.

Kenma and Hinata quickly got out of the bus before going into the studio to get Natsu. Hinata spotted his classmate Yachi holding his sleeping sister.

"Thank you Yachi again, You've done so much for us."

"It's no problem Hinata." Yachi said sweetly. Yachi doesn't stutter near Hinata and Kenma anymore, she became close friends to the duo and feels like a sister to them.

"Yachi, why don't you try and join the Volleyball team as a manager? We need one before Kiyoko~Chan graduates." Hinata said, even though he was tired you could see him buzzing in excitement.

"I'm not too sure? I get super nervous around people, Kiyoka~Chan especially." Yachi admitted looking down at her feet.

"How about we try it out tomorrow! Okay!" Shoyo said.

"Alright well Bye Shoyo bye Kozume."

"Bye Yachi!" The two boys said at the same time.

Hinata grabbed Natsu's hand as they started walking back to Hinata's car, Kenma opened the door to the backseat before getting in the driver's seat. Hinata had a car but wasn't quite old enough to drive, he had two weeks before he's taking his drivers test.

Konzume drove the car while talking to Shoyo about the concert and volleyball. He noticed Shoyo was close to panicking again so Kozume started talking about video games to help Shoyo calm down.

Kozume and Shoyo soon arrived at Hinata's cozy mountain traditional Japanese house. Shoyo carried the sleeping Natsu to bed before taking a shower and getting ready for bed. Kozume went into the guest room and used that bathroom to take a shower.

Kozume and Shoyo finished getting ready, they were laying on Hinata's bed talking about the concert through yawns.

"Sho come on lets get some sleep."

"Okay *yawn* let's slwep," Shoyo sleepy mumbled out.

Kenma felt arms wrap around him before pulling him, Kenma fell over and realized he was on top of Hinata, Kenma felt his face heat up so he buried it in Hinata's chest right under his chin.

Kenma soon fell asleep under the moonlight while hugging the one he loved. 

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