Chapter 8 - "WAIT, KENMA"

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"Bye Sho."

"Love you"


Hinata was freaking out, I just told Kenma I loved him. Hinata felt his face heating up.


"Sorry Suga my dad said something embarrassing!"

"Oh...? Okay.... what's your dad want?"

"He needs me to come to his work later. He asked if you could drive me? We would need to leave at 12:35."

"I could! Let me make an alarm on my phone."

The two boys went back to practice. They were currently having a water break. It was around 11:30.

"Okay Suga. I have a question..."

"Yes Hinata?"

"Is Daichi coming?I know you guys started living together at the beginning of term."

"Oh we had a fight last night..."

"What! What happened?"

"Oh It was my fault really!"

"Suga tell me, don't blame yourself just yet."

"Okay. Well It started when Daichi's mom randomly showed up for dinner. He forgot to tell me so I hadn't planned on cooking that much food. He got mad at me for that so I gave her my food. His mom started nitpicking what I was wearing. I was in sweats and a hoodie cause I hadn't known she was coming.

"I guess she made both of us mad at eachother and after she left we had a fight." Suga said he had started to cry halfway through telling so Hinata confort his mother like a figure.

"Okay kinda seems like Daichi's moms the one responsible for the fight. Has Daichi's mom ever hated you?" Hinata said after hugging Suga for a while.

"She's kinda had a thing against me since we started dating. She wanted him to start dating Yui Michimiya."

"She was trying to split you apart."

"H - how didn't I see that before?"

"It's alright! I can help you get back together!"

"Huh how?"

"My dad wants me to come to his work. He works at a recording studio. We can do some simulations"

"Huh but how?"

"My dad's friends are special effects people! That's how I know Kenma actually is because our parents work together."

"Wait..? You've known Kenma?"

"I already knew you guys were suspicious of us two! Now you can't tell anyone else! Promise"


"Alright let's leave now since it might take a long time and my dad has to be in a meeting later."

"Okay, let's clean up here."


The two boys quickly got the net down as well as cleaned the gym. Hinata grabbed his stuff and sent a text to Kenma about what he's about to do.

TinyGiant: Kenma me and suga are coming to the studio. He had a fight with Daichi last night and I want them to get back together.

KenKitten: Suga and I*

KenKitten: Alright I'll meet you there in 20.

TinyGiant:Thank you Kenma!

The TinyGiant In offline

"Are we ready to go Suga?"

"Yes let's go. So what's the plan?" Suga said putting the car in reverse.

"I already talked to my dad and he's letting me and Kenma have full work on this project. We can talk with Kenma but we're probably going to take moments where she tried to break you too up and send him a video of that."

"How do we do that?"

"Simple! You tell us in detail and we put it in a computer simulation to make a video. Kenma will do all that because he's the tech savvy person."

"Oh okay."

"Take a left here."

Time Skip ε=ε=ε=ε=ε" "(/*'-'*)/

"Hinata this studio is really nice!"

"I really is! There's Kenma," Hinata started running to the blonde, "KENNMMMAAAA"

"Sho-" Kenma was able to say before he was tackled to the floor.

"Where's Natsu?" Hinata whispered.

"She's at Fuyumi"

"Alrighty! Let's help Suga then see what our guests want!" Hinata said getting off Kenma and bouncing around.

The boy quickly rushed into the studio with Suga and went into a room filled with computers. Suga began explaining everything and after 1 hour a disc was made for Suga filled with computer simulations. The simulations looked exactly like someone was spying on them which freaked Suga put to no end.

After Suga left they went into the meeting room where they would be meeting The Owls.

"Hinata I made another song while you were gone. Here it is."

[Photo on the top, It's the lyrics to Generation Why by Conan Gray]

"It's really good Kenma! How did you like the one I made?"

"It was good Sho. I changed a few things but not much."

The two boys were both talking and missed the door open and two figures walked in till they heard...


"Hi Bok- wait Bokuto?" Kenma said shyly.

"Didn't know you were a part of The Broken Hearts," Akaashi said. Hinata was very confused till he noticed Bokuto's owl-like hair.

"Didn't know you two were the owls, although that makes sense," Kenma implied.

"Your Bokuto?" Hinata asked, gaining everyone's attention.

"The one and only," Bokuto said, making a pose.

"Kenma talks about how you and Kuroo are crazy together and someone named Akaashi has to keep watch of you two or you will end up robbing a bank together."

This caused Akaashi to break out in laughter at Bokuto's horrified face.

"This is going to be fun." Akaashi whispered to Kenma who just nodded before pulling his phone out.

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