Chapter 1

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"Daddy? When will I have a brother or sister?" i asked my dad after I saw two siblings play, he immediately frowned

"You know son... It's a little hard to get you a sibling... You need a man and a woman and mommy is in a better place now... She's watching us over from above" he said frowning even more as he spoke in a very soft tone, he tried to hide his pain but it was visible, i couldnt see dad like this so I thought of something

"Why dont we adopt a sister?" i asked with hope in my eyes... I didnt expect him to say yes but it was worth a try, he looked at me in confusion and I continued "You said there has to be a woman and a man to get me a sibling. Since mommy is in a better place now why dont we adopt a sister?" I said pulling his sleeve with my tiny fingers

"Thats actually not a bad idea son... A sister you said?" he said and a smile started forming in my little face lighting the whole room up...


We arrived at the orphanage to adopt a sister for me and thats when I met her... Allison... A little girl that lost her parents in a car accident 2 years ago, she was rejected by every family for her unusual behaviour, she was afraid of every family that adopted her, we talked to the lady that was on the counter. My dad cleared his throat to draw the attention of the lady and started talking "We would like to adopt a girl..." he said with a clear voice

"This way please..." she said, she gestured us to follow her. We did and she led us to a room with the name 'Allison' written on the door... We slowly entered and saw a girl hiding under the covers, I slowly moved closer and pulled the blanket, revealing the little girl's face

"Hi... Im Stiles!" i said to the girl who was afraid and covering herself with the blanket with a grin on my face, she slowly pulled the blanket away

"I-Im Allison..." she said nervously... I could sense that she was nervous, I could tell, even though I was a new werefox I could still smell emotions and the room was filled with nervousness and anxiety

"What a beautiful name..." my dad said while standing at the door "Allison?" he said in a low tone and she jumped at the sound of her name, he moved closer and sat on his knees to meet Allisons face that was red and ready to cry like we would hurt her...

"Y-Yes..?" she asked with her voice shaking

"Would you like to become a member of our family?" my dad said and Allisons face lit up with joy and hugged him crying

"I-Im getting adopted?! Will I be kept this time??" she asked smiling, tears keep falling from her face and my dad reached to her face to wipe them...

He cupped his hands to Allisons cheeks and said "Yes Allison... From now on we are your new family..." he said and planted a kiss on her forehead as she cried from happiness. We knew that Allison was going to bring the light that was lost when my mom died back into our lives...

"STILES?! WAKE THE HELL UP WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE AT OUR FIRST DAY AT SCHOOL!" i heard Allison yelling at me and waking me up by throwing a pillow at me, i rubbed the back of my head and checked the time

"Alli relax its still 7... God..." I said and sighed

"What do you mean STILL 7, you need to help me choose what I will wear, this time will be different foxy so get up so we can eat breakfast like a normal family." she said

"ALLISON! Dont call me like that in here, what if my dad hears it? You know he doesnt know about me being a werefox." I yelled and whispered at the same time

"Oh right... Sorry..." she said and bit her lower lip

"Its okay Alli just dont do that." I said and got up walking up to my closet to wear a pants because I was still in my boxers, my dad cooked some omelette. We quickly ate after talking a bit, catching up with dad and Allison. Allison caught me by my wrist and dragged me upstairs so I would help her decide what to wear

"What about this one?" she said showing me a yellow shirt with a jean and a pair of black boots

"Yes to the boots no to the rest, keep going." she glared at me but she couldn't doubt my sense of fashion so she did as i told her

"This?" she took a blue shirt with some flowers on it

"Oh my god step aside Alli, let me do this." I said and pushed Alli aside, she glared at me once more as I was going through her closet, searching for something my sister could wear, I took out a black little dress with flowers on it, a jean jacket and some tights, i placed it on the bed and took the pair of boots she showed me before "Perfection." i said and winked at her

"Indeed." she said chuckling

Alright sterek things will come later sooooo, sorry that its short but i wasnt rly in the mood to write today but i did anyways because i wanted to start it SO MUCH

Edited at 2022 April 10

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