Bullied by One Direction - Zayn Malik Fanfic

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HELLO ALL, this book will be about a 16 year old teenager, who loves to wear sweat pants, crop tops, and glasses.

Emily Dim Sanders get bullied by Liam, Niall, Zayn, Louis and especially.. Harry, because she doesn't give a fuck about what people think of her.

She doesn't care if she lives life to the extreme. She doesn't care if she leads guys on. She doesn't care if she's called names. She doesn't care about anyone. Or anything.

Her mother, is selfish and only worries about her work, friends and shopping, therefore Emily, is self-reliant and doesn't trust anybody.


PUBLISHED: 1/12/2012 (Australian date)



Today, is the worst day in history.


I got out of bed, and quickly brushed my teeth, as I slid on a fresh pair of green sweat pants

"Are you up yet?!" My mum, Liz shouted.

"YES, JUST WAIT!" I groaned, as I shoved my books into my bag, and dashed down stairs.

"Darlin, fix your hair, it looks disgusting!" Mum snapped, as she started looking at her perfectly manicured nails.

"Whatever" I scoffed, as I ran a comb through, my knotted hair.

I slung my huge bag over my shoulder, while I grabbed an apple and ran outside.

"Okay, how's school" Mum asked, as we both hopped in the car.

"Why would you care, the last time you asked me that question, was in third grade" I mumbled, as the car began to drive.

"Because everything's a bit hectic at the moment, and I need to know that your safe"

"Everything fucked up, and you know that," I snapped.

"Look Em, I know things must be really hard for you, but you need to know, that I care about you, so much" Mum sighed, as the car came to a halt.

"No you don't! You've never cared about me and either did Dad!" I shouted.

"Lies! We both cared about you, and your father loved you to the moon and back!"

"IF HE LOVED ME HE WOULDN'T OF HURT ME!" I cried, as I got out of the car, and began running into the school gates, with clear tears running from my eyes.


"DADDY!" I yelled as I ran up to my beloved father.

My Dad, is the only person I can trust, I have no friends, my mum doesn't care about me, and I've lost all contact with my wonderful cousins.

"Em, how are you?"

"Good Dada"

"That's good, sweetie.." Dad croaked.

"What's wrong daddy?" I whispered.

"Nothing love" he lied.

"Well, I'm gonna go, I've got some-uhh paper work to do I'll be back soon, kiddo" Dad chuckled, as he ruffled my hair.

"Pinky promise, you'll be back" I giggled, as I extended my pinky.

"Uh-h yeah p-pink promise" he stuttered, as he attached his pinky finger, to mine.

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