coffee and reunions

708 45 15

"It's official, Mark's father is also a grade A asshole." Soojin deadpanned, as Minnie told them the news, that two reporters would apparently be following them around for the entirety of the bridal process, all for publicity and public interest.

"Tell me about it." Minnie and Soojin sat in a café, where they were waiting for Miyeon and Soyeon, as well as those two reporters.

"Why are you doing this? You don't even like him, what's the point?" Soojin asked, as Minnie sighed, taking a sip of her tea.

"I don't have a choice, Soo. My father could hurt a lot of people if I didn't give in." Minnie answered, as Soojin scoffed.

"I know that, but you're making the same mistake that I did. I let Shuhua go just because I was afraid of my mother, and now I really, really regret it." Soojin answered her, as Minnie hummed, Soojin did have a point there.

Unfortunately, there was more than just an opinion at stake here. Minnie watched as her father abused her ex-girlfriend, and she wouldn't ever let anything like that happen again if she had control over the outcome, even at her own expense.

"Cheer up, bitches! We're here!" Miyeon shouted, making everyone look at them, while Soyeon snickered.

"You just had to shout, didn't you? You're literally drawing attention to yourself." Soojin said sarcastically.

"I'm famous, Soojin. You see how these tiktokers wear flashy clothes to get noticed; I'm not some walmart tiktoker though, I'm naturally a people magnet." Miyeon patted herself on the back, while the three girls looked at her in confusion.

"Uh, anyways---these reporters are following us all day, I told about that, right?" Minnie continued the conversation, as Soyeon nodded.

"Yeah, and you bitched to me for hours about how annoyed you were. I could have made a new song in that time, maybe I could have titled it: 'Someone get this crazy girl psychiatric help since she clearly has a damn problem!'" Soyeon sang out, while Minnie rolled her eyes, Soojin laughing at the remark while Miyeon looked at herself in the mirror.

"This is gonna be one long ass day, huh?" Minnie asked herself, checking her watch one more time for the reporters to arrive.

"Are you sure that this is the right address?" Shuhua asked Yuqi, as the two stood in front of a cute café, which certainly wasn't Minnie's building.

"My Korean is still fine, Shu. I'm positive that it's right." Yuqi retorted, as Shuhua rolled her eyes.

"Whatever you say, Einstein." Shuhua mocked her, Yuqi shouting a light 'yah!' as the two girls entered the café, squinting their eyes to find someone who looks like Minnie.

"There she is." Yuqi breathed out, as her eyes followed the trail down to her now ex-girlfriend, who just so happened to also rock the hell out of blonde hair.

"Soojin's with her?!" Shuhua squeaked, getting panicked and nervous as Yuqi couldn't move, extremely shaken by seeing Minnie, who was now laughing with Soojin.

"Shit. They're the bridesmaids! We're actual idiots for not thinking of this. See, there's Soyeon and Miyeon too." Yuqi pointed to the group of girls, hearing Shuhua's gasp in her ears.

"We have to go over towards them, don't we?" Shuhua asked, taking the initiative to walk over towards the group slowly when she felt someone tackle her, making her fall onto the ground.

"Shuhua! I missed you so much!" A feminine voiced called out, one Shuhua recognized immediately.

"Nice to see you haven't changed much, Miyeon unnie." Shuhua smiled thinly, as Miyeon turned around to hug Yuqi next, the girl mirroring the same expression.

"Why don't you sit down with us? And we can catch up?" Miyeon asked, as Shuhua and Yuqi looked at each other.

"Why not?" Shuhua laughed nervously, as Miyeon walked towards the table, the two girls following.

"Holy shit." Minnie heard Soojin gasp, as she looked up from her phone, gasping as well when she saw what Soojin was looking at.

"Is that Yuqi?" Minnie asked herself, her heart beating fast at the first sight of her in 5 whole years, it's been way too long.

"Hello guys." Shuhua greeted with a smile, said smile dipping once it reached Soojin's face.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" Yuqi asked cheekily, as Minnie sat in a daze, snapping out of it when Yuqi sat down next to her, throwing her bag over the chair.

"I heard you have your own label now, Soyeon unnie!" Shuhua said positively, trying to take the focus off of Soojin, who was staring at her.

"Yes, I guess my music dream worked out well in the long run." Soyeon responded, making the two youngest girls smile.

They never had anything against Soyeon, as she was always very nice and kind, and a great friend for them when they needed it; same goes for Miyeon.

"Miyeon sings under the label too, right?" Yuqi added, as Miyeon nodded happily, surprised that the two girls noticed that.

"She's pretty good." Minnie said softly, as Yuqi turned to get a good, long look at her.

The girl hadn't changed at all, facially. She still had the same upturned eyes and bright smile, except her hair was blonde now, and Yuqi would be lying if she said that she didn't love it.

One change that Yuqi did notice however, was a switch in her personality. The girl was less talkative now, always looking for someone else to start a conversation, rather than before, when she took every opportunity to talk to people; she was friendly with everyone for a reason.

Yuqi's heart panged as she looked at the older girl, a slight frown on her face from remembering that Minnie was indeed getting married, and not to her.

"Why are you two here? Out of curiosity?" Soojin sounded nervous, as she asked the two foreign girls a simple question, Shuhua's gaze burning on her as she averted her gaze immediately.

"Ah, sorry girls, but we're looking for reporters. Is there any chance you could come over later?" Miyeon interrupted them, as she apologized softly, her eyebrows furrowing when no reporters had walked into the door yet.

They were now a half and hour late.

"Ah, about that." Shuhua interjected, as everyone looked at her.

"We're the reporters, unnie."

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