we'll get through this, we'll get past this

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A warm pulsating feeling coursed through her veins, a soft smile making it's way onto her lips as she basked in the sunlight of the latter's room.

The record player spun slowly, her favorite Beatles song registering in her ears as she hummed softly along the guitar, turning to her right to look at the other, who was laying down silently, watching her with a mirrored soft smile on her lips.

She couldn't believe she had found this, that she would be moving through the phases of her life with the one she loved. She was finally happy.

"It's not polite to stare, Jin." Soojin snickered softly, moving past the sheets to go sit down next to Shuhua on the tan carpet. The girls sat in silence for a while, just enough to hear the latter's breathing. Shuhua could smell Soojin's cherry perfume, and she was finally home.

"I can't help it, babe. Not when I'm looking at the human embodiment of Aphrodite, that is." Shuhua rolled her eyes, hiding a small smirk. No words needed to be said after that.

They found comfort in each other. That sense of familiarity, that when the cold water stung, she would always be standing beside her with her arms open. Soojin was Shuhua's warmth, and even though they've had their ups and downs, she was confident that there was so much more in store for the two of them.

They were just entering college together, and while Shuhua missed Yuqi badly, she still had her other friends here, and the Chinese girl always called her every 4 days anyways.

Ignoring Soojin's remark, Shuhua pondered on her feelings at hand, the serenity that sitting here brought. It was liberating, a drop of honey in it's sweetness. "Did you ever think we'd get here?"

Soojin seemed to still for a second, her mind racing to process Shuhua's deep words. "Honestly, not really, but I'm so glad we did. I'm not sure what I would do without you, no matter where we are or what situation we're in."

She turned towards her girlfriend, drowning in those orbs that she fell for in the first place. Soojin was something else, something out of this world; or at least that's how she made Shuhua feel, with her heart skipping multiple beats.

"I love you." She whispered, bridging the gap, and Soojin was more than happy to comply. Their lips locked, Soojin swiping her tongue into the latter's mouth as Shuhua moaned out softly in approval, letting Soojin connect their souls together.

"I love you too."

A bag clanked down on the kitchen counter, the music of "She's Leaving Home" drowning everything else out, and the two girls were in their own world of bliss.

Shuhua knew it was too good to be true.

A scream of disapproval filled their ears, and Shuhua opened her eyes. Soojin's mother was staring daggers at her, her fists bunching together, and the sheer anger she felt could be seen from miles. "You! I fucking hate you, you know that?! Stop corrupting my daughter!"

The lady stormed towards her, Shuhua backing up before she tripped over the bed frame, landing on the floor beneath her with a soft grunt. Her back ached, her hands crawling to get away, to just escape this mess.

"Mom, please!" Soojin begged, to no avail. The lady moved forwards, slapping Shuhua's cheek with her ring, the divot painting Shuhua's pale skin with a blood red.

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