what happens when the truth comes out?

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Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing well!

It saddens me to say that this book, this sequel, will be coming to a close soon.

It has been such a great experience to write these two books, and to talk to all of you! I have met people that I care about deeply due to this series, and I couldn't ask for anything better.

Thank you all for the involvement in this series, and I truly hope that I've delivered. With that being said, let's get onto the chapter!


Shuhua felt her legs growing tired, the aching feeling multiplying in her chest as she tried to catch up to an angry Yuqi. The latter sprinted towards Miyeon's apartment building, ignoring the cold weather that stung her skin, for her own tears hurt her more.

"Yuqi! Please don't do this!" Shuhua begged, her body stopping abruptly due to the exhaustion, and for a second Yuqi felt guilty, until she remembered that Miyeon knew. She fucking knew that Shuhua was sick, and she hid it from her. For all she has done for Miyeon, this felt like an act of betrayal; that she should've been notified of her friend's major illness right away.

Everyone knows the relationship between Yuqi and Shuhua, especially Miyeon. She wasn't a stranger to the way that Yuqi would react; she was aware that the latter would be mad at her for withholding something so huge.

Yuqi stopped in her tracks, as Shuhua breathlessly ran towards her, the burning of her legs aching throughout her entire body.

"Please don't yell at her! She wasn't meant to know, she----"

"Don't fucking give me that!" Yuqi shouted, and Shuhua was rendered still. Yuqi hadn't ever yelled at her like that before. Sure, they'd gotten into inevitable arguments, but this, this pain and suffering and pure destruction laced into her response. Yuqi was never this upset at anything, and that thought alone scared Shuhua.

"Do you understand how awful it is to here that my fucking best friend, the only person who has been there for me, has an illness?! That there's a possibility that I won't hear your wonderful voice, that I won't see you smiling, that you and Soojin can never be happy?! I don't think I made this clear to you, Shuhua! I'm fucking losing my damn mind here, knowing that I have less than a fucking week and a half before I'm bound to crumble to the earth!" Yuqi's tears shed heavily, her voice cracking on every syllable.

"I will always love you, Shu, and yet you and Miyeon waited until the last second to tell me this! My mother died in front of me, Shuhua! She was sitting there, lifeless! You know how much death hurts me! And to think that I could never be upset with you, because you're Yeh Shuhua, the savior and hope of all! Everyone I've ever loved has left me, and you knew this, and you still didn't have it in your heart to tell me! So YES, I'm fucking angry, and no, I won't let her get away with this!" Yuqi stumbled forward, the adrenaline of anger coursing through her veins, and Shuhua could no longer speak either.

How has she been so damn selfish?

"I can't be upset with you, because you're sick, and even through your selfishness, the feeling of losing you is enough to quell my emotions. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going up there and demanding a damn answer from Miyeon. I need an answer, Shuhua. Why has everyone always hurt me? Am I worthless?"

"Yuqi, you mean so much to me and you know that!---"

"Then why did the one person I trusted hurt me more than anything else I've ever endured. I saw my own mother die, and this is still worse! You're not stopping me, Shuhua. I think it's better for Yeh Hope to sit this one out." Yuqi spat, gaining pace as Shuhua trailed solemnly behind her.

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