scars and bruises

818 44 4

"They really landed a hit on you, huh?" Yuqi laughed softly, as she held Shuhua's face in her hand, looking at her with worried eyes as she cleaned up her wound, feeling guilty every time that Shuhua flinched from the stinging pain.

"I look like Rocky Balboa, damn." Yuqi laughed at Shuhua's joke, brushing the pad of her finger over the wound lightly.

"Stop moving for a second, Shu. You're gonna fall off of my lap." Yuqi scolded the younger girl, as Shuhua sighed, sitting still as Yuqi finished up dressing her wound.

"That could have been finished 10 minutes ago if you could just sit still." Shuhua scoffed, making Yuqi laugh once again at her best friend's amusing reactions.

"You should know me well enough to know that I can't sit still." Shuhua retorted, as Yuqi sighed, nodding in agreement.

"True." The younger girl hopped off of Yuqi, making room to sit next to her on the hotel bed as Yuqi put the medical supplies away, almost tackling Shuhua as she jumped onto the bed with force.

"Be careful, you're still hurt too." Shuhua scolded her, Yuqi forgetting about the large cut on her cheek for a minute there.

"Are you gonna explain this to me now? Who did you see?" Yuqi asked, looking sharply at Shuhua, who nervously sighed.

She had a feeling that this was only the beginning of a dangerous battle.

"Do you remember Soojin's ex boyfriend? From back when we were in high school?" Shuhua asked, as Yuqi gasped, now pacing around the room in shock.

"Taehyung?! He was the biggest dick on this planet!" Yuqi complained as Shuhua offered her a small smile, Yuqi's distaste was quite interesting to watch these days.

"He's the one who attacked us, I'm positive of it." Shuhua admitted, as Yuqi pondered.

"What could he possibly want with us? Why now, 5 years later?" Yuqi thought, as she looked at Shuhua, the same thoughts going through the latter's head as well.

"He told me to stay away from Minnie and Soojin. As far as I know, they might have something to do with this." Shuhua voiced out, as Yuqi focused on the material of the bed sheets, her mind ticking like clock work.

"If we continue to hang around Minnie and Soojin, he'll end up following us. We just need to lure him in." Yuqi started, with Shuhua finishing her sentence swiftly.

"Then we can catch him." Shuhua and Yuqi fist bumped each other, laughing together when their plan seemed to work in motion.

Minnie always trusted her gut these days, especially when Yuqi had gotten hurt when she didn't.

"Something doesn't seem right here, guys." Minnie voiced out, Miyeon looking at her with concern as Soojin mindlessly swiped through pictures on her phone.

"What do you mean? I know the pizza wasn't that good but I think it's still edible." Miyeon responded, Soojin snickering as Minnie rolled her eyes.

"Where are Yuqi and Shuhua staying?" Minnie asked, as Soojin perked up upon a familiar name.

"Shuhua?" The brunette now gave her full attention, Miyeon laughing quietly from the change in mood based off of one loud Taiwanese girl.

"They're staying at 'Grant Hotel'. I think Baekhyun paid for it." Miyeon answered, as Minnie jumped up, rushing to put her shoes on.

"What are you doing?" Soojin asked, as Minnie looked at her with unease.

"I'm going to find them. I think something's wrong." Minnie grabbed her keys, walking towards the door as Soojin jumped up from the couch.

"I'll come with you." Soojin couldn't ignore anything that involved Shuhua.

"Mi, are you coming?" Miyeon shook her head no as Minnie asked her quickly.

"Sorry, Soyeonie wants to watch another episode of One Piece with me when she gets home." Miyeon bid the two girls goodbye as they flew out of the apartment.

"Ross is hilarious!" Shuhua laughed loudly as Yuqi scoffed, having to turn the volume even louder to match the loudness that was Yeh Shuhua.

"Joey is funnier than him, no cap." Yuqi retorted, laughing hysterically as Shuhua looked at her with distaste.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Yah!" Shuhua smacked Yuqi with the pillow, both girls drowning in laughter as they hit each other with pillows.

"Shush! Do you hear that? Who keeps knocking on the door?" Yuqi shut the other girl up, tip toeing to the door to answer it swiftly.

"Can I help you?" Yuqi opened it without looking, being tackled in a tight hug by Minnie.

"You're alive, thank god!" Minnie held her tightly, as Yuqi hoped the older girl couldn't feel her loud heartbeat from the close proximity.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Yuqi laughed as she pulled away from the hug, missing the slight pout from Minnie.

"What happened to your face?" Minnie looked at her with worry, as Yuqi nervously laughed the concern off, feeling afraid all of the sudden.

"Nothing, I'm alright." Yuqi reassured her, as Minnie looked at her with doubt, not believing the poorly crafted lie for seconds.

"Yuqi, I paused the show since you're taking way too long!" Shuhua complained, walking into the living room as she felt her body land on the floor, another body landing on top of hers.

"Oh, hi Soojin unnie." Shuhua breathed out, as the older girl held her hips protectively, frowning at the large bruise on Shuhua's eye.

"Who am I killing today?" Soojin rasped, and Shuhua would be lying if she said that she didn't find that hot.

"No one." She squeaked out, taking Soojin's hand lightly as the stronger girl helped pull her up.

"Can someone explain to me why you have a large bleeding cut on your cheek, and Shuhua has a ridiculous black eye?" Minnie squinted her eyes, as Shuhua and Yuqi gulped, feeling sacred under the intimidating gaze.

"We didn't plan this far, fuck!" Yuqi kicked herself for not thinking of a reason, with Soojin and Minnie waiting there with both their arms crossed.

"We went to hitting practice, for fun. Shuhua wacked me in the face with a bat, and the baseball ended up hitting her square in the eye." Yuqi let the lie roll off her tongue, Shuhua thanking her mentally for coming up with some sort of an excuse, wincing at how unbelievable it was.

"I don't believe that shit for one second, but I'll let it slide since you two are alive and safe. Make sure to always call us if you have a problem like this, ok?" Soojin smiled as Shuhua and Yuqi nodded, with Minnie looking at Yuqi with a swirl of emotions.

"You can always rely on us, even as friends." Minnie whispered, as Shuhua and Yuqi felt a pang of sadness, with the reminder that they were still single, and that their dreams of marrying the opposing women were just wishful thinking.

"Right, as friends." Shuhua responded, kindly opening the door for the two girls to exit out of.

"We'll see you two soon!" Minnie chirped, as Soojin winked at Shuhua, closing the door in a minimal second.

"What the fuck just happened?" Shuhua thought, as Yuqi sat on the couch, the lingering feeling of emptiness consuming her once again.

"What did we do to end up like this, Shu? Why do I have to watch the love of my life get married to someone else?" Yuqi asked, Shuhua wrapping an arm around her as Yuqi leaned on her shoulder.

"I know, Qi. I know." Shuhua sat there silently, letting her friend cry on her shoulder.

This life was truly unfair.

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