wedding dresses and warning bells

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I'm probably the most inconsistent author I've seen on this app lol. sorry for making you wait so long, I'm back with another chapter!

enjoy it for me :)


"Fucking hell..." Shuhua muttered out, clutching her head in her hands as her bloodshot eyes looked up to meet Yuqi, who was seriously worried about her.

Shuhua had been acting strangely for days, and Yuqi had no idea what was plaguing her, whether to ask her about it, or even where to start.

"That's the fifth migraine in 3 days, Shu. What's wrong?" Yuqi laid down next her bestfriend, Shuhua shutting her computer off as she turned around to read Yuqi's gaze, which was quite close to her face in consideration.

"I'm fine Qi, don't worry about me." It was such a Shuhua thing to say, the younger girl was always so selfless, immediately worrying about the sadness of her friends rather than her own personal health. And she knew this, and she knew that she wouldn't be able to come clean about her sickness, at least not willingly.

"I don't believe you." Yuqi's voice was soft, full of emotion and apprehension, as she caressed Shuhua's face, noticing how thin she had become in the span of 2 weeks. "Have you been eating?"

Shuhua could barely get through a meal without throwing it up, she assumed that was the result of her body's cells fighting against one another. She felt desolate, a panging sensation of pain always following her around as she struggled to breathe properly; these days it had been getting worse, and she was worried that she wouldn't be able to hide this for much longer.

"Don't you trust me? I would tell you if something was wrong."

That was a lie, and she felt so, so guilty.

Although she didn't look convinced, the Beijing native shrugged it off, huffing a little, as she changed her positioning, climbing on top of Shuhua as she hugged her tightly. "I'll let it go for now, but not forever."

"Thank you." Shuhua whispered, her breathing was light as she could feel Yuqi's chest rising and heaving above hers, the comfort of what she liked to call her 'platonic soulmate' making her feel better in the slightest.

"I love you, I hope you always know that. I hope that even when things are over, that you'll still be happy." Shuhua started off strong, muttering the last part, as Yuqi returned her gratefulness with her own words of gratitude.

"I love you too, forever and always." Yuqi grabbed Shuhua's face lightly, kissing her cheek softly and carefully, only stopping once they heard a grunt and a feminine gasp coming from the door.

"What the fuck?" Yuqi whispered, both her and Shuhua looking at the door where Minnie and Soojin stood, their faces mixed with shock and annoyance, especially Minnie, while Soojin almost looked sad.

"Shit---uh---we came to get you guys, we have to go try the dress on." Minnie spoke through gritted teeth, the two foreigners gasping before Yuqi fell off of Shuhua and onto the ground, a laugh coming from the other girl who still remained in the bed.

"Oh my god! We forgot, I'm so sorry!" Yuqi ran towards Minnie, tackling her into an apologetic hug, to which Minnie was ecstatic, Shuhua running into her room to throw her shoes on as Soojin stood by the door awkwardly.

"It's ok, Yuqirin. We have an extra minute, anyways." Minnie smiled brightly, Yuqi smiling too upon her gaze. Soojin looked at both of the girls, they were so obvious, it was almost embarrassing.

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