Chapter 4

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Maynard's sexy pose after bath.

Dillon's P. O. V:

I don't know why but I believe in Maynard. I feel safe with him beside me. Me and Sou, both love the affection and his scent.

By the way, it's already been one week but yet my heat have not came in me.... That's weird. Still I can feel that Ryan is having sex with other female. My heart aches at that but when I take Maynard scent I feel dizzy and somewhat better.

This whole time my body have already recovered, Sou has not gotten strong due to the food which Maynard always force me to eat, not that I mind. Sou healed me better this time, for whole one week.

Today one new friend of Maynard is going to join us, I thought that it would be fun. I am away from my house but they won't really care so I thought to enjoy myself but something bug me today, that a bad is gonna happen but don't know what.

Like for this whole week, I woke up from my sleep and Maynard spooning me from behind. Though first day it was a bit embarrassing because of.......... Ahmm... His morning wood. He don't beat a single time to feed me which I make because he doesn't know how to cook.

I kept on being like that only to savour the feeling that this might be a dream, right? But I know it's not, then again what will happen after I go back to my house?

I was brought back to reality when Maynard nuzzled his nose in my neck "Umm..... Good morning, Dillon " He greeted me with his raspy and husky morning voice.

I smiled and sat up and said a small "Good morning " Yesterday nights event was a bit ummm...... Embarrassing??? Yesterday a different type of ache happened to me like my mate had spend night with someone else...... But it was not Ryan.

Wait! Don't tell me I have another mate too. Aghhh!

Maynard got up and went to washroom to do his morning routine. After half an hour he came out with just a towel around his waist, I can see the droplets flowing down his chest then his abs. Man, how did he managed to built it up?

He startled me with a cough. I glanced at his face and felt the same red gush on my cheek. He chuckle while going to his closet and said " You should go and shower. I have a dress which I have stitched yesterday after your crying session...... I am keeping it here and.... I will go and make us breakfast. "

He took his clothes and put mine on the edge of the bed and went to kitchen while closing the door behind him. I got up washed myself and then wore the dress. The dress fits me fine, I guess he cut his own dress and stitched it for me. I wore MY dress and got outta the room. Yep it's mine now.

The air of egg and bacon filled the Hall. I sat down on the dinning table and soon Maynard served both plates for breakfast. We ate in perfect silence. He knows why I cried yesterday and really he cursed the whole time to my mate....... Mates? Which I think is cute somehow and doesn't feel bad about what he talked about my mates.

After breakfast we sat on the couch. He asked me " Dillon, my friend is going to come at evening like at 2 pm or something. And it's now 10 am.... So want to do something? Like going out or play?"

I thought for few seconds and exclaimed excitedly " Let's go in the woods today.... I haven't been there for one whole week" He chuckle and nodded.

He wore a baggy jeans and a white shirt while I wore a t-shirt and a baggy jeans of his which he have gotten short for me. His hair is as usual messy, he really looks handsome...... Sexy. He doesn't even look like Indian, if not for his eyes and skin tone which is fair but a few shade dark.

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