Chapter 13

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Dillion's P.O.V:

Morning came and I wished if there was chirping of birds or radiating light from window or kisses from my lover... I know over dramatic right??

Well I woke up only to see a sleeping beauty infront of me.. don't get me wrong Maynard is really a beauty to see. But this bastard is deep in sleep and is snoring.

After biting my mark in him I guess he will transform into a werewolf just like what happens to a human mate. But as I am an Omega I guess he will need too much time for his transform-

" Aghh!! My head.." he groaned. Ho-how?? He should transform right? With alpha it takes four days so with me as Omega it should take five or six days.

He blinked his eyes and saw down between our body and cursed " Shit!! Did we did it last night??" I nodded " Sorry Dillon, I didn't meant to do it with you. I am so sorry. I was drunk and all and just made the mistake. I am so sorry."

I was sad that he didn't meant any of the things that he said to me so I sadly asked "You didn't meant what you said last night???"

He scrambled at the edge of the bed with the bedsheet to cover up his body and rambled "No I meant... I mean not.. not like that way... I mean you Know.... Agghh!!! Shit I love you!!!! I have been in love with you for this whole two years!!!! I can't take it anymore!!"

I cupped his face and smiled brightly at his confession as I said "Hey it's okay. I love you too and Sou too. Or else we wouldn't have marked you as our mate. It's okay. Yesterday.... It wasn't a dream.... We did it and I marked you as mine."

He took a deep breath and laughed "Hah!! I was so stupid. I thought I would freak you out because you have your mates but... Ha!! I am too happy"

He gave me a toothy smile to which I scooped over and sat on his lap and kissed him deep.

"Eww!! You reck of alcohol. Go brush first." I said

To which He chuckled and said "Yesterday you were kissing it baby" to which I blushed thinking about yesterday as he got outta the bed toward bathroom after scooting me toward the middle of the bed.

I tried to get up and was going to leave the bed but I fell on my butt "Owww!! That hurts"

Maynard came hurried and scooped me up bridal style and said "You should have called me. You don't have to do anything. You must be sore.... Sorry."

I patted his back and said "Nah!! I loved last night. I just want to clean up."

He took me inside the washroom and poured the water and settled me in while sliding behind me.

"Maynard Are you okay??... I mean does your body feels hot or any tingling or... Anything??" I guess he didn't changed in one of us because of my Omega blood I guess. But it's fine as long I have him.

I can feel him smirking as he whispered in my ear "Yes I feel like I want to do my fantasies with you here. Like yesterday, I want you to roll your hip on me."

And literally it bought a shiver down my spine. I don't know but a blush formed on my cheek when I recalled the memory of how I was... I mean Sou!!! was riding Maynard's cock.

I turned my head and kissed him deeply and whispered "We can fuck all you want"

He then whispered while eyes closed "shhhh!! I have never thought of you like that.... I don't wanna fuck you... I wanna make love to you."

It really brought the tears from my eyes. I have never loved anyone else like I love him in my whole life.

He kissed my cheeks and said "Hey love, why are you crying?? Does it hurts??"

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