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Dillon's P.O.V:

"And that's my story with my daughter Marie......." I said to the two ladies sitting infront of me "And here is the new cake I have made, try it. It's on house." I said as I put two plates with cake on it.

The brown haired ladies said "Uhh! Dillon though I am in dieting but when it comes to your new cakes or tea or coffee, I couldn't help. I am giving up I am trying it."

"Don't exaggerate me you are my regular customer so it's nice to let all of you try it. I like it.... Okay I need to go to the kitchen." And after that I went into the kitchen.

"Sofie!! Attend the customers." I said as she bowed me and left for taking orders from customers.

It's been 5 years since that incident. Sou also sometimes talks to me, he never left me, first year was a hectic. I mean I was not talking to anyone not even Sou so Rossetti and Vivek, her mate send me to Master Tai in India, There I was for 18 months.

Then I came to live with both of them, who took me as their legal child. So I stayed with them in Mumbai for two years. In that span of time I met Aisha in hospital when I went to take medicine for Maynard's second brother, who is a human, because he was having coughs.

Aisha was having heart problem and she just could live for few weeks. She lost her everything, her husband because he cheated, her parents because she was pregnant. So she gave me her daughter of one years two months old and I adopted her as my own child and named her after my best friend Marie.

And Maynard's whole family accepts me as his husband which I was happy for.

After that I thought why not to go back to home town. There I and Marie stayed 10 months in the Red Moon Pack and really the pack is doing very good indeed, everyone were treated equally.

Also, Once when I was in the pub where only werewolves are allowed. At that time one tried to touch me inappropriately and as soon as he did he burned and burned, though he was alive but he couldn't heal it. Then I got to know that it's about the seal and the sign that I just belong to Maynard and vice versa.

I am great-ful of Sou though because..... I don't know but during my heat he would always almost vanish from me and go to the other world, I mean his own world. You know where they can meet their mate.

After that I thought why not to open up my own cafe. So here I am for 8 months owning this cafe with the help of Dad, yep Vivek let me call him Dad, I bought the cafe, the 'MD Moonlight Cafe'. In this humans or any other kinds of creatures comes.

Right now those two girls were also werewolves. Marie has went to play with her grandmother and grandfather, that is Rossetti and Vivek. Hehehe!! And I am preparing for some new recipe that the customers have suggested.

Here five humans works, they don't know about us creatures though. Take the name of devils and here comes.

Sofie came running in "Sir!! Three customers are fighting over the table no7"

"Okay!! I'll handle it." I quickly ran over to the table and saw three teenage human boys like 19 or something fighting.

"Excuse Me sir!! I would like to....." I was cut off as they shoved me aside.

Thank goodness Damen is here one of the co-worker here, he caught me and got me up. I again tried to say "Sir!! Please...."

One said "Who the hell are you!!!??? Don't meddle with other people's matter"

And then started fighting over. I was going to shut them up untill a whisper made itself from my mouth "MATE" it came suddenly and even if I didn't tried to yet I recalled that same mouth watering scent, the same waves of pleasure when a werewolf is near his or her mate.

This must be some joke, right??!!

I have copped up and settled but now I can't go on if I see him. I will break down more if I see him and then again if he thinks of leaving.

I didn't saw back as I freezed at that place, nothing I can hear or see or take in, everything went black, it was me and that scent.

I can just twist the ring on my ring finger. A small chrimer sound came indicating that someone came in the cafe.

Two seconds later someone's front attached to my back, I was pulled on the hard chest and the tingling and the warm feeling in my heart became prominant. The guy from the back whispered in my ear.

"I'm home....... Beautiful"

Hearing it my heartbeat quickened and I swung my arm hardly and........... Punched him as he stumbled back and fell on the ground.

It's....... Maynard.

"Bastard!!!" I screamed.

"Owe!! Is it the way you welcome your husband back home after five years??" He asked as he rubbed his cheeks where I hit him.

He was going to stand up but I didn't gave him a chance as I got down to him and kissed him deeply. After few seconds I detached and said "Don't ever leave me."

"Promise" he whispered as clapping were being heard.

Now that I came to my senses, here there are many peoples around us almost in every seat. Those three have already stopped fighting as they saw me in horror because of course they are budge and build but I can hit someone who is great then their height and build that is Maynard, so they might be in shock.

I got up as well helped Maynard to get up. He engulfed me in a hug as I cried or you can say whimpered a bit as I let him embrace me.

"I love you" he whispered as he bend a bit.

"I love you too." I too whispered as I got my nose in his neck taking his scent.

He gripped me tight and walked me back to the cafe where my house is, not before shouting "Sofie!! Today the bill is on house." Oh it's not me, it's my soon to be husband who shouted back.

"Ye.. yes... Sir??" Sofie said.

As I was dragged by this hunk "You know everything??" I whispered in his skin.

"Everything" he whispered back.

"Where were you, all this time??" I asked softly.

"With you. I was always with you. Because of the energy I released that's why I needed time to recover it. But I was always there with you...... Sou knew it." He whispered as his lips gazed on mine but didn't met.

Me: "You knew it???!!"

Sou : "Sorry.."

"Don't scold him, it was me." He again whispered as his lips gazed on me.

"Why......" I was cut off when he finally kissed me as he scoped me up, my hands wrapped around his neck while his around my waist.

"Papa!!!!...." Marie shouted and we got separated as he put me down.

"Daddy!!....." Shouted another voice.

A boy of 5 years old came in with Marie, both ran and the boy attached with Maynard's leg. My heart thumped a bit.

He looked toward me "Dillon, actually he is son of a demon, Devan. His parents are not there so I became his Dad. I am really sorry, he is not my ch......" He rambled quickly.

I shushed him "Shhh!! It's okay. He is our son and she is our daughter. Right??"

He smiled as he quickly pecked my lips and got Devan up as I did to Marie.

"Perfect *snap*" there stood Rossetti with a camera.

Maynard smile as he pulled me toward him by shoulder and again one *snap*

"I love you" I said with the biggest smile.

"I love you too..... Beautiful." He whispered last part which brought a blush.

"Now say cheese." Rossetti shouted loud.

And we both shouted "Happy home!!!!" As we looked toward the camera.


~The End~

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