Bonus Chapter

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*After 13 years. When Marie became 17 and Devan is 18 years old.*

Dillon's P.O.V:

"Slow..... Slow down.... May... Aghh!!! Too fast!!" I said as I scratched Maynard's back while he didn't mind me as just kept on slamming his big cock inside my already abused hole.

"But... It's your fault...... You punished me." He said with grunts. Yep I punished him not to having intercourse with me for one week. So he is abusing my body way too much. He already have did three times, it's fourth now. Sou took the other three rounds but now it's mine time.

He kept on slamming in my prostrate and I just kept on screaming. Thank goodness the children are not in home they went to school while the store is closed today because it's Friday.

He shifted our position on the sofa, yes!!! We are doing it on the sofa and I was now on top. He again slammed on my prostrate, just that this time he got even more in me as I screamed out loud.

"Aghh!!! You're tight!!!" He grunted as I brought my face in the neck.

"Com... Coming. Ahhh!" With a loud scream I came in between our naked and sweaty bodies while he came inside me.

I slumped on him as we both came back from our highs.

I am exhausted!!!

"Go to sleep beautiful." Maynard whispered as he kissed my temple.

His hands around my waist while mine are around his chest, our chest together and cocks too but I don't give a damn because I'm exhausted.

I don't know how much time have passed but I heard the first door opening, someone is coming might be children but I'm too drain of energy to care. Anyone can see the back of this sofa from the front door.

Maynard clicked once and a cover was on us, bedsheet. Two pairs of feet came in.

"Dad?? Why are you sleeping here?? Where is Papa??" Marie asked, my head is not in their view.

"Dad..." Devan was cut of as I stirred up groaning and peeked a bit to see both of them standing there with popped eyes.

"Eww!!!! Papa!! Dad!! Could you do this else where??" Devan said as I again went back to sleep.

"He is sour. He needs rest." Maynard said childishly. I swear being with Sou made him so damn childish.

"Eww!! Dad just go and get ready. Remember today everyone are coming, Right??" Marie said.

"Yeah. We will go." Maynard said as he got up.

"Oh God!!! Snatch my eyes before I see my parents naked!!" Marie said as she ran toward her room.

Maynard carried me bridal style, the bedsheet covering our private part. I raised a brow at Devan who was staring at us. "What happened son??" I asked.

"Papa. What is it to feel loved??" He asked absent-mindedly.

"That you are special to that person." I said as I wrapped my arms around Maynard's neck.

"Ummm...... I love a boy." He blatter out.

"Really??!!! That's so nice!!! Who is he??" I asked happily while Maynard just hearing the conversation standing with me still on his arms.

"Ummm........... Sam." He said closing his eyes.

"Your best friend?" I asked spectacle. He nodded.

"Call him for tonight." Maynard said as he smiled "We need to talk to the boy who love you after all."

"Thanks Dad, thanks Papa. I would have hugged you if you were not naked. By the way Happy 13th anniversary." He said as he went on toward his room.

Maynard peeked my lips as he carried me to our bedroom.

I love my life now.

At 6:30pm everyone started coming for the party. We have been here for just 5 years, yeah we need to change the places as much as possible.

By the time 7pm everyone were here and I mean everyone. Lorraine, Xavier and their clan, Rossetti, Vivek, Alpha Jackson, Joy, their son and their pack, Sam, his parents and our few other friends.

Mrs. Jones, Sam's mom came and hugged me and Maynard a bit slut-y, a tini tiny bit "You both look the same as if you are just like 19 like the time when you both came here. Congratulation, Happy 13th Anniversary."

We all cheered and started the party. Damen and Sam were talking and goofing around while the others were happily cheering and talking and drinking.

That's what I wanted from my life. I looked up at Maynard and smiled.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too....... Beautiful." He said.

"No way I love you more." I said teasingly.

"Yeah?? What would you do for me then?" He asked.

I tip-toed and kissed his lips "I love you..... And always will even if I have to go Against The Bonds."

Happily ever after is nothing. If you are happy with your life then it will always be The Dreamy Happily Ever After for all as you see.

~The End~

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