Chapter 25

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Dillon happily shopping with his brother Taylor.

Dillon's P.O.V:

Wednesday!!! Huh!!! At college Jay proposed "Dillon, either you are willing or not, I am going to get you in our pack and be my mate by Monday so please give your answer on Sunday." And then he was gone. That's the only thing that happened out of my schedule or else everything is same.

After college I thought to go to grocery for the meat, I like it a lot. But then I met with Taylor.

"Hey Taylor. What's up???" I asked.

He scoffed "I would have loved if you start calling me brother."

"In your dreams." I said sarcastically then we looked at each other and soon we both  laughed. I took a dozen of packed meat and checked out, he got a few items and me winking at the counter lady who blushed then me and Taylor both got out.

"Woah!! So much meat. You like them???" He asked amused.

"Of course me and my wolf love them." I said as my eyes went toward the icecream parlor.

"What's your wolf's name??? I haven't ever heard his name....... " He said I know what's coming.

So I cut him off, excitedly and jumping I said "Let's get icecream!!!!"

He chuckled as we made our way in, he got some icecream, I don't know the name exactly because I ordered my favorite 'Pumpkin Stracciatella Gelato' .

"Your orders will be coming soon." The waiter said as she winked toward me and I also gave her the same gesture just more seductively, to which she giggled and left us.

"You have a mate. You know you should respect your bond and not try to flirt with other." Taylor said irritated.

"He is not here. Anyways I don't care, I love him and he knows that, I won't cheat on him. So this gestures won't get him jealous don't worry." I said carelessly only then I realized what I said.

He smiled and asked "You love Jay???"

"No. I have never said that." I said quickly without a hesitation and calmly.

"But you said..." He trailed off because at the same time the same waiter came with our orders.

She got a bit seductive like getting on me type of to which I smiled seductively but got away when Taylor looked at her angrily. We started eating and oh God, it feels so good!!!

"You know my youngest brother used to love the same icecream that you like........ You both are same, like have same habits." He said a bit sadly.

"Don't worry, I will be him for you." I said as I ate my icecream.

After eating icecream, we roamed near the park "So ummm..... Have you ever done that??" He asked hesitating "You know don't mind. You might have not." He mumbled the last part but I heard it.

"Who said you that I didn't?? Of course I did whatever you are pointing to." I said as I looked ahead.

He then said with wide eyes "Wait!!! You know that you are not allowed to do something like that right, before mating???"

"Why???" I asked as I looked in his eyes "Have Jay never had sex with anyone???"

"No........ Ummmm..... He did." He stuttered.

"So what's the deal that I have done it before??" I said bored.

"So who was it??" He asked quietly.

"None of your business." I said irritated. "Bye" I said as I ran to my home not wanting to be with him anymore.

After eating out, I stretched out. Soon Xavier came home.

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