Chapter 20

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Dillon dressed for his date with Jay.

Dillon's P.O.V:

Saturday and Sunday, I just wake up to eat and then back to sleeping. Nowadays Sou is carving Maynard a bit too much.

Ahhh!! When is he gonna come to me???

Today is Monday and Xavier would meet at college so I walked there in normal pace which took me 30 minutes.

As I went in Xavier hugged me by my shoulder and gave me palm sized two boxes "Good morning sunshine!! Here are the things you wanted."

"You sure is in good mood. Something happened at night??" He blushed and looked away. "Anyways thank you very much."

"No problem. Anything for my second best friend." He said excitedly.

"Second huh??" I asked teasing. At the far hallway I saw Max "Hey Xavier, I need to do something so I'm gonna go. Thanks again man"

He ruffled my hair and I went to Max "Hey Maxie boy"

"Don't call me that" he said as he was getting his books from locker.

"I am so sorry what that she had to go away. Please don't be sad." I said timidly.

"No it's okay. Rebecca and Jay both were at fault. She was trying to get you, even though you are Jay's mate. And Jay being mad at her, he just abandoned her..... And that's why this all happened. It's not your fault."

"Hmmmm...... Thanks, anyway let's get to the class or else ma'am will be on our arse." I said as the bell rang, Monday!!! Supernatural class?!!

"Oh!! What a site it will be!!" He said as we both laughed and went in the class.

So they all know about me being mate of Jay??? When I was in my old self, they all used to hate gays so they would beat me up but now that Jay is gay, no one beats him, why???

Today ma'am introduced about warlock and then about werewolves. After she says about them she always ask "Any question??"

After the werewolf topic a girl asked, I guess she is one of the sirens "Ma'am Are there any special type of Wolf?? More powerful than the alphas???"

She said "No...... But yes there is the special wolf children of moon goddess. She had made three of her wolves with extreme powerful. Third one is fire werewolf, it have red furs and a fire tail. Second one is the water werewolf, it's fur is light blue in colour and is drenched with water. First one is the most powerful, the air werewolf, this is the only one that have wings and is white in colour except for the blue diamond on his forehead, he can even choose his own mate. But they are rarely on Earth. They are even way more powerful than alphas."

Hmmm... nice info. The class went on. Jay talked to me when break came.

"Hey. Ummm can we talk??" I nodded, he sat near me. He eyed Xavier a bit and said to me "Can we go on a date?? I would love to know you better."

"Okay, send me the address and I'll be there. Tommorow??"

"Yes tomorrow!!" His eyes were shining brightly with joy as he leaped toward his popular table.

The day went by quickly in no time at all. When I came to home, I used my laptop which Maynard gifted me, to connect with the two micro-recorder that Xavier gave me earlier.

Both the recorder are in small bee sized shape, perfect no one will get to know. I connect and both of them flew toward the direction I gave. One with Jay always and the other one with every of my targeted enemy.

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