Chapter 14

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Maynard and Dillon on top of the factory building, as the sun setting down.

Maynard P.O.V:

Yesterday was the most amazing day of my life. I am kinda afraid of wild animals with long and Sharp canine and wolves are one of that. Don't count his mates and brothers because they don't have that long canine. Seeing Dillon with his long canine out, I kinda got afraid but  when he showed his submission and how beautiful he looks I forgot everything and just nuzzled with him.

He really gives this sweetest scent I have ever thought of, no not like nectar or like faded scent, it's just in between. I never thought of flying and to that on a special werewolf and my lover too. His height in wolf form is really..... Might be two feet larger, I guess.

He is really beautiful.

And his wolf....... Just WOW!!!!!

I loved the thing that he gave himself to me even if he got bastard of his mates, but he was rejected right so I have every right to love him.

I love him whole heatedly and will never leave him, even if he wants to leave me I will force him to be with me in which ever way possible. Yes that's who I am, I have never loved anyone before but when I love someone.... which is Dillon I will do everything to tie him down.

Sex with him feel so heavenly and that sweet scent of him, it wants me to fuck him with everything in me, it's just so arousing but yet as it is our first time so I did it as gently as possible.

Dad agreed with our relationship is what I am happy about the most. He will be here in US after three days on my birthday.

We have already landed on the land and the most hilarious thing to see was a big adult clutching my hand throughout the flight only because they're afraid to fly even though he himself have wings, yes that's Dillon. He says "What if this plane crash down. Ahh!!!" It was cute though, few times I have to kiss him to calm him down when no one was looking.

And now we are going to my apartment, I have already talked to Xavier about it. He is way more happy to come and meet after two years apart.

After coming in apartment Dillon went for washroom as I unpacked few belongings of ours. Meanwhile Xavier came and dropped my car and a bunch of groceries saying that he must go on to meet his master so without meeting Dillon he went on.

Then I went for washroom, doing all the freshen up things I came out with towel wrapped around my shoulder to dry my hairs and sat on the couch.

Within no time Dillon came in with meal for us two and with juice too. "Who brought this groceries??"

"Oh it was Xavier. He is a vampire and he needed to go and visit his master so he went on."

" Hmmm" He hummed and then we sat eating quietly while seeing an English movie. " I have unpacked all the rest of our belongings. After eating let's go for a date!!"

I choked my food " D-date??"

" Yeah....... Why? You don't wanna??"

"No it's fine. Actually it's my first time going on a date with someone I love." I mumbled.

" Umhm..." He slowly crawled on my lap and kissed my neck taking a huge sniff of my scent and whispered seductively "I really want to have you inside me now."

"No Dillon not now... Or else I won't hold back anymore."

" You don't have to, you can have me fully."

" Okay let's have you for dinner desert. As much I would like to pound on you and make you feel me now but I don't want to ruin our first date together."

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