Ch. 12

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I watched them take her into the ambulance. I wish I could do something to help her. But right now, I was completely useless.

Nash had heard all the noise from outside and was now at my side.
" I'm sorry man"
" she can't die"
" she lost a lot of blood"
" she CANT die"

" Cameron?" Alia's mom asked, " do you want to come with us to the hospital? Alia's there."

I agreed and followed Alia's family into the car. We rode in silence now. There wasn't much to say.

When we got there, I let her family see her first. When they came out, I went inside.

She was closing her eyes and her breaths were short. I came up next to her bed.

" I love you. Please don't leave me"
I started crying on her shoulder. I stayed by her side for a few minutes, but she didn't talk. She was completely still.

There was a loud beeping sound now that made me jump. Nurses came rushing in.

" Sir you have to get out"
" don't touch me"
" please sir. You'll see her after."

Nurses pushed me out anyway. I sat in the waiting room, defeated. My hands on my face as I cried.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, Aaron.
" look man, things happen for a reason. And the reason for this is, we learned that you really love her. And that's what matters"

I gave him a small smile, " thank you"
We waited in the waiting room for a while. Nurses were still in her room.

" Alia's parents?" A nurse was standing in front of us now.
" us"
" come with me please"

They went into Alia's room but came out a minute later. They were crying.

I ran into the room now and there she was, lifeless.
"NO FUCK NO" I hit the wall with my fist wincing at the pain.

I came up to her bed. " one last time babygirl" and with that, I laid me lips on hers. Lightly though. And even though she was dead, it still felt right.

" Cameron lets go"
Her mom looked at her daughter once more before taking my hand and dragging me out the door.

We were almost outside the hospital when a nurse ran up to us.
" GUYS WAIT" she slowed down, completely out of breath from chasing us.

" I have no idea how this happened but she's alive. Again. "

I couldn't help it. I ran up the the nurse and gave her a hug. " YOU ARE THE MOST AMAZING PERSON EVER "

When I let go, she looked at me weirdly, " anyway.... Do you guys want to see her?"

This time, I got to see her first. And sure enough, she was in the bed but this time, her eyes were open.

" you saved me"
" huh?" I was confused now. How had I saved her?
" you really are prince Cameron after all." She said while giggling.
Then I realized.

" my kiss didn't save you" I punched her arm lightly.
She was still giggling when she said, " let's stick with that"

( A/N I cried while writing this just to let you know. So yeah anyway, 400 views?! You guys are literally amazing holy shit <3 )

Don't forget me // Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now