Ch. 16

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I woke up. I was still at the club, I guess I fell asleep. Sam was next to me. I shook him awake.

" let's go Sam"

He dropped me off at home a few minutes after. Maybe this guy wasn't so bad after all.

I turned on my phone. I had five missed calls from Nash, three from Alia and even one from Gracie.

I called Nash back. He answered on the first ring. " Man where were you"

" just doing stuff"
" come to my house"
" I have a huge headache man I'm going to sleep"
" it's only six dude"

" I have to go" I hung up on him. I didn't mean to be rude, I just didn't feel like explaining things right now.
Nash called me around six. He told me that Cameron called him.

" what did he say?"
" he's tired and it's only six. " "Something's up"

" should I try to call him?"
" if you want I mean I don't think he's gonna answer..... No offense"

" it's fine" I sighed and hung up.
I called Cameron. It rang.

Once, twice, " hello?"
" Cameron?" His voice sounded raspy.
" hi"

" Can I come over?"
" um not right now.... I have um.. family emergencies"

This guy was a terrible liar.
" Nash told me what's really going on ok. And whatever Sam told you, you could believe if you want. I don't really care anymore. "

" listen Alia...." I hung up.

After that, all I did was cry.
There was a knock on my window.

I thought for sure it was Sam, coming to ruin my life even more. But it wasn't. It was Cameron.

I hesitated before opening the window. " I'm really sorry babe I made a huge mistake"
" please tell me what Sam told you"

He told me. " I was such an idiot for believing him." He was crying now.

I wrapped my arms around him, " it's ok Cam"

" I love you Alia"
" I love you more Cameron"
Cameron decided to stay the night. Aaron came in soon and we filmed a video for Cameron's YouTube.

As Cameron was editing, I saw something weird. " wait Cameron go back"

In one of the parts that we shot, someone was looking through the window.

" it that Sam?"
" I have no idea." Cameron said while trying to zoom in on the figure.

Terrified, I went and locked the window and pulled the shade down.

" he's wearing a mask" Cameron said," but it probably is.
" I thought you said Sam apologized" Aaron said confused.

" um I forgot to tell you, he was lying"
" that guy has no heart"

" Wanna go get something to eat?" I asked desperately trying to change the subject.

" ok" Aaron and Cam followed me downstairs.

We got some cookies and went upstairs again. We were sitting on my bed, finishing the whole pack.

Cameron was looking at my whiteboard, " um"

" damn Cameron. Don't forget to tell your girlfriend about what you did tonight or I will - S.P"

Cameron quickly got up and erased the message. " Cameron what did you do?"

" the question right now is, how did Sam get in" Cameron said nervously.

" Cameron."
" fine um Sam sort of took me to a club"
" I knew that."
" how?"

" Nash is a genius apparently. So um what did you do at the club?"

" I don't remember"
" you promise?"
" yes"

( A/N let's just say, Cameron going to the club was not such a good idea ;) )

Don't forget me // Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now