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the kim family visited the busy streets of shibuya for their vacation in japan. the night lights were very pretty to look at.

junkyu roams the streets while holding both his parent's hands. but the ten year old saw a small bread shop with a very attractive bread.

"mom, dad i want that bread." he said as he pointed at the store that they passed through. his dad follows his fingers and smiled at him.

"i'll give you money and you have to try and buy it yourself okay? mom and dad will wait here." the young boy recieved the money with both of his hands and held it carefully as he make his way towards the shop.

when junkyu arrived infront of the shop he saw a smaller boy behind the display where you can see different kinds of bread.

"excuse me can i-- oh wait i'm in japan and not in korea i forgot" the smaller boy stared at him innocently then smiled. junkyu answered the sweet smile with his own.

junkyu pointed at his desired bread and stuck out his index finger as a sign that he only wants one. the small boy nodded cutely but he ran inside their shop leaving junkyu confused.

"mama, papa there's a kid that wants a bread but i can't reach the bag can you help me?" the small boy asked his parents who followed him to serve the little boy.

the korean-koala beemed when he saw the small boy bringing his father. the father packed one bread that junkyu pointed at once again. when they finally gave the bread junkyu gave the money to pay.

"thank you." junkyu said in japanese because that's one of two phrases that he knows.

"you're welcome." the father replied. "very good son."

the koala ran towards his parents and showed that he successfully bought a bread. his parents cheered for him then held his hands and pulled him back to the shop.

"excuse me but can my son stand here for a second i want to take his picture." his dad asked in japanese because he can speak fluently.

"oh sure, no problem." the japanese father replied. junkyu's father instructed him to stand infront of the shop and took few shots of his son.

"can your son join him for awhile?" junkyu's dad asked again. the small boy's father nodded with a smile and told his son to stand beside junkyu. Mr. Kim took few more shots before he thank the japanese.

junkyu's parents held their son's hands again and went back to roaming the busy place.

but before he lost the sight he looked back at the bake shop just to see the smaller boy staring at him as well. junkyu waved his hands at the other boy while smiling. the small boy waved back and ran inside once again.

"he looks an angel." junkyu blunted out.

"who?" his mom asked.

"the kid that i took the picture with." junkyu said as he bit into his bread.

"yes he does he looks like an guardian angel." his mom replied while she caressed his son's hair.

"have you seen one before mom?"

"no honey."

"i would love to see one in the future, i wish that i can have my own guardian angel."


hey nome here, so here's another story but was so excited to publish this but i was also so scared that no one will read it so if you're reading this rn thank you so much. i wrote few chapters before i publish it because i don't like making people wait but here it is.

and this was supposed to be publish yesterday for jaehyuk's birthday even though it's a mashikyu story but i didn't got the chance because i have to do cover editing and also other photo editings for the story.

❗DISCLAIMER: i forgot to put disclaimers on my past stories but here is one. this book is full of fiction the only real thing here is the boys name and the other ones came from my imagination that i want to share so.... please read at your own risk.



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