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"hey junkyu."

Junkyu turned around to see the student council couple approaching him.

"hey jihoon, hey hyunsuk-hyung do you need anything?" junkyu said who is currently fixing his things on his locker.

"well as you know yedam is a new student and also our new friend so we invite him that we'll give him a tour around seoul with our other friends."

"oh cool where do you plan to take him?" hyunsuk stared at junkyu with confusion because usually he'll make them move quickly so they can have more time to wander around.

"you're not coming?" the oldest asked junkyu.

junkyu closed his locker and faced his two friends "i would love to come and join you guys but my mom just texted me that she and dad went to buy groceries since i already ate all of them and there is no one inside the house and they left like 30 minutes ago and an intruder might get inside our house so... yeah i'm not coming."

"you sure?" jihoon asked junkyu for the last time.

"yeah." junkyu said with hesitation

"okay but you have to come with us next time okay?" hyunsuk said and junkyu nodded. when his two friends walked away junkyu make a fake crying face while facing his locker.

he really want to join them but his mom will kill him if he don't look after their house "if i come with them today i'll have fun that's for sure, but i'll got no money and mom will scold me if an intruder will come and take our stuffs, but if i stay at home today i'll get money, food, and mom won't scold me...." junkyu smiled at the thought of food "....but i'll get bored. it doesn't matter let's stay with money and food."


junkyu walked out from the campus and went straight to the bus stop. after riding the bus he have to walk a little bit in order for him to get home.

the koala-boy glance at the sky while walking "wow the sky is hitting different today it's so beautiful.....i'm gonna get so bored in the house i might go crazy" the tall boy chuckled to himself while walking.

when junkyu arrived at his house's gate he saw a very cute boy sitting a small space beside the gate pouting

"excuse me who are you? and why are you sitting there?"

the cute boy looked up at junkyu while frowning "do you know kim junkyu?"

the taller pointed at himself with a confuse look "i am kim junkyu why?" the smaller boy is in the verge of crying when junkyu spoke "excuse me don't cry who are you?"

"let me in the house and you'll know." the boy said with a shaky voice.

"i can't do that i can't let a stranger in my house."

the boy puffed his cheeks trying to look threatening but junkyu found it adorable "i'm takata mashiho and i thought i'm taking care of a baby..." tears slowly streamed down at mashiho's face but he quickly wiped it away.

"excuse me? are you telling me that my parents hired a babysitter for their 18 year old son? 'cause i feel so offended right now." junkyu said while opening the gate.

"i'm not a babysitter..... i'm your guardian angel." junkyu stood up straight hearing the smaller boy's statement.

"well then i'm a superhero, i'm ironman." the taller said while smiling but mashiho is not having it as he pushed the gate and enter the house still frowning "excuse me little human you can't enter my house just like that."

"don't call me that." mashiho said while pointing at junkyu glaring.

"what? human?"


"i'm telling you right now you can't enter my house my parents will kill me if i let you ent--"

"can you please let me explain first?!" junkyu shut his mouth when the smaller boy screamed "thank you. i am a guardian angel, god sent me to protect you down here."

junkyu can't hide the confusion on his face as mashiho talks "did god said i can don't believe you?"

"why not?"

"you see here i'm not joking with you if you won't tell me the true reason why you're here and why do you know my name you have to get out." mashiho is in the verge of crying once again. he thought he's gonna take care of a baby so it'll be easy but he didn't know that he'll take care of a giant. "why are you crying again?"

"listen here you giant i thought that i'm gonna take care of a baby that's why i'm excited. BUT WHEN I ARRIVED HERE I SAW A HUMAN WITH 90% LEGS, 10% UPPER BODY AND 100% STUPIDNESS WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?"

"excuse me?" junkyu his palm on his chest feeling offended again. but the smaller boy didn't said anything anymore and just stare at the floor blankly.

at the end junkyu just let the smaller boy sit at their couch for awhile because he looks like be's really stressed and decided that he'll just ask him later when the shorter boy calm down.


hi how are you? so i'm gonna try my best to update my 2 stories together it's not like i always do but yeah i'm gonna do it so yeah.


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