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that is a very cute koala can i borrow this to my sleep? seems like you're not gonna hug it anyways." junkyu stared at the japanese who's currently hugging his mid-size koala stuffed toy.

"yeah i don't hug him i just put him there 'cause i don't want to squish him but yeah borrow him." the big-koala said with no energy voice. mashiho replied with a sweet smile and continued to play with the toy.

"by the way do you have extra beddings? or extra blankets for me. i'll set up my sleep space on the floor so you can sleep on your bed." mashiho said with enthusiasm, junkyu stopped applying his skin care routine when he heard mashiho.

"no i'm sleeping on the floor and you'll sleep on the bed. my parents taught me to not let the guest sleep on the floor no matter what." the japanese stopped playing with the koala for awhile and faced junkyu's direction to see him applying the skin care again.

"but this is your room." mashiho argued.

"exactly, my room.. my decisions." junkyu answered back and got up from his chair to get the extra beddings and blanket to sleep on.

"but i'm your angel i can't do that."

"i don't care. i don't even let my mom sleep on the floor when i know i can do it."

"but--" junkyu quickly cut of mashiho with a loud sush that cause the younger to look at him innocently.

"one more but... i'm gonna take away that koala from you and won't let you touch it ever again." mashiho pouted out of defeat "now lay down on that bed, make yourself feel at home, get comfortable or what so ever then sleep."

junkyu started to set up his temporary bed on the floor when mashiho scratchs his head and hugged the koala toy tightly.

"junkyu hyung." junkyu stand up straight when he heard the angel called him sweetly but continued his work immediately.

"what?" he answered with bored voice.

"i kinda need help--"

"i'm not helping." junkyu cut him off once again while he gathered the extra pillows.

"but my clothes are so uncomfortable." mashiho protested. junkyu scanned mashiho's outfit from head to toe.

and he can say that it's very uncomfortable. It's almost suit and tie and pure white so blinding.

"don't care."


"no i don't have kid size clothes for you to wear."

mashiho stomped his feet like a kid "I AM NOT KID SIZE."

junkyu shrugged his shoulders and sat down on his newly set up bed "well i don't have any clothes for you to wear. maybe borrow from my mom cause it seems like she likes you so much maybe she have baby size clothes."

"I. AM. NOT. BABY. SIZE." mashiho emphasize every word that he said but junkyu still doesn't care.

"i told you already i don't have clothes foe you to wear. it's either you sleep on that clothes, borrow clothes from my mom or sleep naked.... don't do option number 3." the tall-koala lay down on his bed while playing with his phone.

"but this outfit is so uncomfy." mashiho whispered with a very cute pout but junkyu still heard it, when the latter looked at mashiho's direction he saw the cute pout and he got no choice but to say yes.

"....just this once. and after this you'll buy your clothes." mashiho beamed towards junkyu's direction with a ear to ear smile. the korean is currently looking for his smallest size clothes for mashiho to wear.

he found a light-colored hoodie and a barely used sweatpants. he gave it to mashiho in order for him to change into it.

when the latter went out from the bathroom he can't hide his satisfaction as he rubbed his tummy through the clothes.

"wow, how did you know that i like color purple? i didn't expect you to have a color like this, you don't look like a pastel person."

"well i don't know it seems like you like barney so i thought purple is a perfect color." mashiho clicked his tounge when he heard junkyu teased him again but junkyu gave him a cocky smile "can you sleep now or you still want something? do you want a baby formula or milk? or do you want me to sing a lullaby for you."

mashiho puffed his cheeks and stomped his feet on the way to the bed "no. i'll sleep now." he yawned after speaking and covered his mouth with his sweater paws.

junkyu found it cute but can't say it outloud so he cooed internally "okay don't worry that bed is clean. goodnight now, tomorrow is another day."

mashiho mouthed a goodnight quietly and hugged the koala toy again. junkyu turned off the light and left the lamp open.

moments later while junkyu is playing with his phone he heard small snors coming from his bed he chuckled quietly and turned the lamp off aswell.


hi it's the 3rd chapter.... obviously i just want to say it 'cause i feel like i need to even though i don't actually need to idk i'm weird but here it is.


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