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Requested by: @jiroshi_writings . I hope you like it🥺

"Good morning (Y/N)." I heard as I answered the phone. "Good morning Solomon, how are you today?" These morning calls with Solomon always made my day start off good.

     Ever since my arrival to the Devildom, I pretty much stuck to Solomon like glue. Can you honestly blame me though? In a world full of demons he was the only other human here, the only one I felt safe around for some time... Ok, maybe that wasn't the only reason I stuck to him all the time.

     At first I truly did stay by him because he was powerful and made me feel safe. As time went on however, and I grew closer to the brothers, I began to realize I wasn't staying by Solomon for his protection. I had grown feelings for the witty sorcerer.

     When I realized this I tried for weeks to convince myself I didn't like him. Besides, even if I did truly have feelings for him what are the chances of him liking me of all people back? He could have any demon down here in the Devildom, even the sucubus liked him!

     My feelings did not just go unnoticed. Oh no, when you live with the Avatar of Lust nothing involving romance goes unnoticed. "(Y/N)! Be a doll and come here for a second." Asmo called from his room. "Coming!" I shouted back, wondering what he could possibly want.

     As soon as I entered Asmo's room I instantly regretted it. The door slammed shut behind me, due to Satan closing it and blocking my exit. I turned back to the lustful demon who called for me, and he looked like he was ready to interrogate someone. "So (Y/N), here recently Satan and myself have had suspicion that you like someone at RAD. Mind telling us who?"

     I stayed quiet, not wanting to tell them of my feelings for my human friend. "(Y/N), we won't make fun, just answer us. Who knows? Maybe we could help you." Satan suggested from behind me. I finally gathered enough courage to speak, and of course I immediately began denying their accusations.

     "Guys, I don't know what you're talking about! I don't like anyone, and even if I did he'd never like me back." "So you do like someone!" Asmo shouted. I realized I had let it slip that 'he' would never like me back. "Who? Spill (Y/N), you can't keep this a secret forever." I sighed, and decided to just give in. "I like Solomon." I muttered under my breath.

"Ok, now move Satan." I said as I tried to shove said demon out of the way. "Nope, sorry (Y/N) but now that we know who you like we have to get you to confess." "Satan, you are the last person I would've expected to help Asmo, what's your true intention?" "Well if I'm being honest I made a bet with Asmo, and I thought you liked Barbatos. Since I lost the bet I have to help Asmo get you with Solomon." Satan responded.

     "Enough pointless discussion!" Asmo shouted eventually. "Right now we need to be (Y/N)'s wingmen and we need to get her with Solomon." Thus followed a night full of plotting and how I was to ask out my crush.

     The next day came far too fast. As soon as my alarm went off Satan and Asmo were in my room getting me ready. "Guys, this is unnecessary at this point. I can get myself ready." I said with a laugh. "Nonsense darling, one must look their best during one's confession." Asmo chided. I just nodded my head and went along with their efforts.

We were getting ready for school as usual, when I got a call from Solomon as I usually do in the morning. "Good morning!" I cheered into my D.D.D as Satan and Asmo gave me quizzical looks. "Good morning gorgeous." Solomon cooed back. I smiled giddily, and that's when the two in my room knew who I was talking to. "See you at breakfast (Y/N)~" Asmo called as he guided his older brother out the door.

Once the call ended my morning went pretty normal. I ate breakfast with the brothers, which was it's normal chaos. Afterwards I made my way to school with whichever brothers decided to follow. We had been more behind schedule than we thought, as the bell was literally about to ring when we entered the school.

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