Chapter 39: Adreanna

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Father pulled me out of school the next day, wishing to discuss with me about something. I sit in the school taxi staring out of the window on this drab day, actually hoping for some company. Satan deemed school safe enough to be without Samson, however I miss his large presence. I feel lonely for the first time in years, where I honestly don't have anyone to rely on. How am I supposed to lead yet I can't even do a simple task of being kind to other demons? 

In actuality Nancy's words upset me. The fact her father isn't in her life and she wanted to make sure I was happy, it's stupid. I shunned her, I used her and treated her poorly. All my life I've acted as if I'm better than people, never let anyone in and pushed others away. I can blame Envy all I want, yet it's still my actions. I don't want to be a copy of her, all these years I've despised her parenting yet I mimic her without a thought. 

What is happening to me?

Sensitive, reflective, thoughtful. I can feel I'm changing, my icy heart melting down and turning soft. I'm letting people in, just like I did with Freya. Yet she's dead, Brent almost died and is now paralyzed and I put Zac in perilous danger. I'm a curse to anyone who tries getting close to me. So what do I do? Push everyone away or be better? It's either me or them.

A couple of minutes later I'm at The Centre, with a sullen sigh I make my way to the doors, only for them to be open by Wrath's eldest son, Romulus. He takes in my tired expression and hesitantly nods, taking it upon himself to actually escort me to the throne room. 

"Little one," his deep voice rumbles. "You seem bothered."

"Since I am," I say sharply.

He clears his throat, "I watched your performance in The Challenges. Very impressive. I didn't know you could fight so well."

"How did you?" I question.

"The Challenges are in a cylinder. The people go through the doors and teleport into the cylinder, where we can view you."

I blink in surprise and hesitantly nod.

"We watch through projection," he says. "Magic projection where it follows you. We speak name, it shows us. You are very valiant warrior, you sacrifice life for son of Greed. Twice. He was too stupid, doing things by himself. Greed was displeased."

I don't respond I just look at Romulus, cocking my head to the side, "Why are you being so... nonchalant? I'd have thought you'd offer to carry me to the throne room."

He snorts, "You strike me as someone who would want to be treated as before. Too much change can do things to the mind."

I again am speechless, surprised that he is actually perceptive. I thought he was just a large, fighting oaf, I guess I am wrong. "Who was Quentin Sallow?"

"Murdering rapist bastard," Romulus sneers. "Hurt many people. Bad man. I captured him myself and brought him forth the Original demons, they wanted to punish him badly. So they shunned him to The Challenges; only you killed him."

"Is that such a bad thing?"

Romulus shakes his large head, "Very good thing. I've wanted to kill him for years now."

He opens the door for me and bows his head, indicating for me to go forward. I do, the eight heads surrounding the table snapping to me, Romulus following me inside. Envy lets out a sigh, her brows rising as she whips her head to Satan, "Why is she here? This is no place for a princess."

"This is a dire situation," Lucifer says bluntly. "Why shouldn't it be a learning experience?"

I approach the end of the rectangular table, the other six demons staring at me curiously. I fake an easy smile as I curiously look at the maps and paperwork laid across the table, various crosses, arrows and circles being situated on a familiar depiction of land. 

"What is going on?" I question lightly, looking to my father with worry.

"We are being under attack," Gluttony says, his voice tired. "This is why I didn't want to waste time with The Challenges, we had more important matters at hand."

"By who?

Everyone lets out a breath, including Lucifer himself as he turns away from the table, "Before I created the Original Sin Demons... I thought instead of a council, I would have somewhat of an 'assistant' to help me form the Empire. So I made Adreanna. She was sin itself, all seven blended into one figure. Only, I should've known to not summon so much power into one individual. She became twisted, corrupted and wanted to avenge me. Hellbent on destroying Heaven, I had no choice but to throw her out of the Empire, into Hell itself."

"Why didn't you just kill her?" I ask, irritated. "That would have saved this entire fiasco."

"I spoke to her and just couldn't do it. She was my first subject, killing her wasn't an option for me, child."

"So now we have to kill her now," I scoff and shake my head. "So, I guess she's angry."

Vanity places a hand on the table and nods, blonde locks falling into his gaze as he nods, "Indeed. She has conjured an army of fiends that will be coming our way very soon. So we need to fight back."

"However you can't send the army," I respond. "Normal demons cannot survive the hellish conditions, only royalty can so you must send your children to fight."

The original demons look surprised at my words, pausing to think for a moment. 

"This," Lucifer begins speaking to my mother. "Is why I brought her here. She has ideas which she demonstrated during The Challenges, as well as opinions. Yet is not afraid to listen to others. Brilliant leadership qualities."

Envy sighs and shakes her head, "No."

I snap my head to her direction, "What do you mean 'no'?"

"We, the Original Demons, can sort this out."

"Against an entire army of fiends? As well as a being of sin and darkness itself?" I scoff. "Not to disrespect you all, but even if your powers are great and powerful, in numbers you could be easily overwhelmed."

"She is right," Wrath says. "We need an army. We also need a backup plan, which logically should be the seven, if not eight of us."

"Especially since the two of you are pregnant," I respond. 

"I'm sorry," Greed says, wafting his hands in the air. "Why are we all taking orders from a girl?"

"Because this girl demonstrated her abilities in The Challenges," Romulus says. "Where she guided two royal demons throughout and they left with their lives. I witnessed you three in The Challenges. You almost died, just like your son. However, you are The Originals. So I will gladly follow Olivia into battle."

"Romulus?" Wrath begins, pressing a hand to her stomach. "Do you truly believe this girl can win a war against Adreanna?"

He nods, "I've been training soldiers for centuries, Mother. She is a very intelligent fighter."

Wrath simply nods, "I trust my son, he is highly perceptive and an amazing judge of character. If he believes she can do this, then I believe she can do it too."

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