1. A Kiss, The Start

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I always write a chapter, listening to one particular song on repeat. If you want, you can join me and listen to the song on repeat to get in the mood.

CH1: Finally // Beautiful Stranger - Halsey


"Oh Meg, just come out with us! It's your first night off since you opened the new boutique." Bri looks at you while pouting her lips. She and Rose are getting ready to go out at your usual club; Chez in Amsterdam. "Yes, join us! It'll be fun – maybe you'll even fall in love with a stranger!" Rose shouts from the bathroom.

Before you could answer, Bri squeaks and put up her phone in the air, "OMG Rose check it out, Tom Tyler is was spotted in Amsterdam this morning! Doesn't he just look gorgeous in those tight jeans! And look at the way he's holding his Starbucks cup. How can one look this handsome, simply drinking a cup of coffee!?" Rose comes running in from the bathroom, mascara in hand. When checking the pictures on Bri's phone, she comments, "Yeah Tom's fit, but who is that guy next to him? He's more my type!"

"Maybe they'll be at Chez tonight." You say jokingly, but the girls both spread their hopeful eyes wide open. "Meg, you just have to come!" Rose says again, trying to convince you as she walks back into the bathroom.

"I don't think so girls, I'm exhausted... I've got the perfect night in planned for myself; watching Friends with a large cup of Ben & Jerry's." You pause when a thought creeps into your mind, "Plus, Roman always hangs out at Chez and I definitely don't feel like running into him again."

"Oh, come on Meg! Who cares about Roman! All the more reason to come with us and meet that stranger Rose is talking about." Bri answers. She knew you loathed going to Chez ever since you caught your ex Roman kissing another girl there. Rose walks into the room and adds, "Also, Roman won't even be there, James told me he's out of town."

They could see doubt flaring up in your eyes. They were right, you hadn't gone out for a long time and deserved a careless night out. Before you could make your decision, Bri walks to your room, only to come back with the black silk dress you'd bought last week. She says, "Ok. It's been decided – you're coming with us! It's the perfect excuse to wear your new dress."

You sight and then smile. "Ok fine! But we won't stay for long, and Rose - please no cute strangers! Just a girls night out ok?" You reply, squinting your eyes at Rose. You walk into your room to change, put on the new dress and your black Converse.

Rose and Bri were right – a night out was exactly what you needed. How you'd missed dancing carelessly to your favourite hits with your two best friends. Even though you explicitly told the girls no cute boys, you couldn't help but notice that some of the guys in the club were uncommonly handsome tonight. When you look over at Bri, you see that she had caught on to the same group of boys dancing in the corner of the club. You laugh it off, going over to the bar to get new drinks for the Bri and Rose.

Waiting on your drinks, you see a guy approaching in the corner of your eye. No no no! It couldn't be... Roman... "Hey Meg, you look sexy tonight." He says cockily with a grin on his face. How did I ever fall for this playboy – you think to yourself. You grab the drinks, fake a smile and then turn around, "Roman! Hi, how are you doing?" "Great now that I see you. And you already got me a drink – how considerate of you!" He puts his hand on your hip, making you shiver in disgust.

"It's not for you, it's for ..." Before you finish you sentence, you change your words and continue, "It's for my date." Even though it felt great to rub it in his face like that, you immediately regretted it. What am I saying? My date? I don't even know one guy in this place! You try to remain cool. "Your date eh, and where might he be?" Roman scoffs, rolling his eyes in disbelieve.

Shit, busted – you think, but then remember the group of guys you saw before in the back corner. You search through the crowd, and spot the cute brown curls that had caught your eyes before.

You take a deep breath and say, "Over there." You then walk in a straight line towards the stranger. You tap him on his shoulder. When he turns around, you wrap your arms around his neck, and place a long, passionate kiss on his lips.

When backing away after a few seconds, your heart skips a beat. Holy! It's him. That actor Bri was talking about!

"Well hello to you too, darling." He says laughingly with a thick British accent. "Oh my god, you're Tom Tyler, aren't you?" You gasp.

When you realize your arms are still around his neck, and your body is still pushed up against his, you awkwardly step away and say, "I am so sorry! I ran into my ex, and I told him that this drink was for my date. And when he didn't believe me, so I needed a cover... and your hair looked cute. And you must think I'm a random stalker fangirl, and. And... I am so sorry." You wish you could disappear. As if the kiss wasn't embarrassing enough, now you couldn't stop rambling on.

"It's alright." Tom says, followed by, "So this is my drink?" He reaches for the drink in your hand. You doubt, then give him the glass. He takes a sip. Completely taking you by surprise, he puts his arm around your shoulder, looks at you with a mischievous smirk and says, "So, where's this ex we're making jealous with my cute hair ey?" Your face turns bright red as he's repeating the fact that you just told him you thought he had cute hair. You can't help but smile, and then point out Roman in the crowd. Tom waves at him, and when Roman walks away clearly annoyed, Tom turns his focus to you. "Mission accomplished I guess." He says casually.

Not quite grasping what had just happened, you shamefully apologize one more time, "I'll leave you to alone now. Again, I am so sorry for this situation. I'm not a psycho fangirl, I promise." You put your hand in the air, making the gesture of a promise. You smile nervously, then turn around to walk away.

But after your first step, you feel a hand grabbing yours. "Wait." You hear Tom say. "What's your name psycho stalker girl?" You turn around to see Tom's clever smirk all over his face as he lets go of your arm.

You doubt, then reach out your hand and say, "It's Meg." "Well nice to meet you, Meg." He shakes your hand, and holds on to it a little longer than you expected. You blush when pulling back your hand.

You notice him side eyeing a couple of girls who are snapping photos with their phones. "Want to talk out back?" he asks, nodding his head towards the emergency exit. Going against to all the voices in your head shouting – No Meg, go back to your friends. This is not like you! Get out, now! – you decide to take the plunge and follow him through the doors.

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