14. I Could Get Used To This

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Listen to this song on repeat to get in this chapter's mood:
CH14: Living Proof - Camila Cabello


The next morning, you wake up to the sound of your phone buzzing. As you open your eyes, you see Tom sleeping peacefully; his lips open just half an inch and his breathing slow. It was the first night you'd spent together in the new apartment, and the first night you actually slept together.

After the intimacy that sparked between you the evening before, Tom had carried you to the king-size bed, before laying you down carefully on the soft quilt. The remainder of the night was spent talking. You were telling stories about your favourite childhood memories, with your head resting on his lap, while Tom was drawing imageries on your bare skin with his fingers. Even though you had just touched each others' most personal parts mere hours earlier, somehow talking to him later that night felt more intimate than any moment you'd shared before.

Long after the sun had set behind the New York City skyscrapers, you dozed off. This time, Tom's hands didn't wander to find your body by drunken accident; he placed his hands around your waist with care, before he slowly pulled you closer to him. As he could feel your breathing slowing down, he placed a sensitive kiss on your shoulder and whispered quietly, "I'm really lucky to have you so close to me, darling."

Now, waking up at 8:15, you wonder if your touch ever left each other during the night. Instead of spooning, you woke up with your head resting on the left side of his chest, while your left leg was carefully draped over his lower stomach, and his arm wrapped around your body.

As you try to snake your way out of his blissful embrace, you hear Tom groan sleepily, "Just let it ring." He tightens the grip he has on your body, forcing you to stay close to him. You submit to his request, only to be disturbed when Tom's phone starts to ring instead.

Your hand searches for the phone on the nightstand and when you lift it towards you, your sleepy eyes widen. "It's Kayla..." "Why is Kayla calling us this early in the morning?" Tom replies, softening his embrace, giving you more space to move. You push yourself up to sit, leaving the comfortable warmth of Tom's body behind as you answer the phone.

"Good morning?" You say softly. "Meg! Great! I've been trying to reach you." She starts cheerfully. Does this woman ever sleep? Or is she already on her fourth cup of coffee? ­– you wonder as you try to wake your mind up.

"I'm guessing you're at the new apartment? I just saw that you both checked out of the hotel yesterday afternoon and that your stuff was gone. Tom told me he was thinking about renting it for the two of you. I thought it was adorable! Less adorable though, is the man-cave Haz and the twins turned their room into. Thanks for leaving me with a handful of hormonal young adults, by the way..."

You chuckle, almost hearing her eyes roll. "I'm sorry, coming here last night wasn't exactly something I - uh - planned. But you should be fine! I thought you said you wanted to be a mom?" your apology overlapping into a sarcastic joke. "Ha ha, very funny Meg. I do, but I'd like to experience the cute parts before they turn into devious little stinkers." Her remark made you laugh, gaining a questioning eye from Tom, who was adjusting to the fact that he had to wake up now.

"So, is there a reason you called this early? I was sleeping rather comfortably." You ask, stroking Tom's bare chest. His waking eyes gaze at you with such sweetness, that you almost didn't hear what Kayla said next.

"There is actually! You know how in Amsterdam it's already the middle of the day, right?" "Yea I'm well aware of that..." You answer, not quite understanding where she was going. "Well, I just talked to your associate James, and he said knowledge of the Valey Girls store has been spreading like wild fire the past weeks!" You start to wonder how she'd gotten James number, and especially why she was suddenly so interested in Valey Girls. "Correct... Why?" You quiz, trying to unravel her intentions.

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