24. Take It Slow

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Listen to this song on repeat to get in this chapter's mood:
CH 24: I Could Get Used To This (Orchestral Acoustic) – Becky Hill


Coming home had never felt this good to Tom before. He had been staying at Haz' Airbnb the past week and his best friend had gotten him some clothes from your apartment. He had wanted to go get it himself, hoping he'd get to see you in the process, but he didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable.

So, the fact that he was now following you up the stairs to the apartment you shared, he couldn't help but feel relieved. A big smile appears on his face as you unlock the door and step through the front door. The smell that filled his nostrils upon stepping inside, reminds him instantly that he was home. It smelled like a mixture of your perfume and coffee grind, just like before he had left. It was insane to him how quickly you forget the way someone smells. One second, their scent is the only thing that you inhale, while the next, you can't even remember the slightest trace of it.

Tom grabs your hand, making you turn around. He immediately pulls you close into him. Your hands are now on his chest, your eyes looking into his. "I've missed you so much, darling. I've missed seeing you do that." He remarks, his eyes lowering to your teeth softly biting your bottom lip. You weren't sure if it was all a bit too much, too quick; all you knew was that you wanted to be with him so badly, that it was worth the fight.

"It was only a week Tyler." You scoff nonchalantly, not removing your hand from his chest. You tried to play it away, but you felt what he meant – yes, it had just been a week apart, but spending that time without him, were the hardest seven days you'd ever experienced. You'd missed your lips on his, and his hands on your body. Simply put, you had just missed his pressence. The way your body fit perfectly in his grip; made it all seem like a perfect puzzle.

"Longest week I've ever experienced. Don't ever let me leave you like that again." He says, immediately regretting making it sound as if it all had been your fault. "I mean, you had every right to! But I just don't ever want to lose you again, Meg." He adds quickly.

You lower your eyes slightly, "Don't give me a reason to push you away again, Tom. I mean it. I need time to fully trust you again. But I'm willing to take the risk, if you are willing to meet me halfway. But I'm warning you; don't you dare ruin this again." You say softly, but sternly.

The way you said those words, made it perfectly clear that you were afraid to get hurt again and that you were under no circumstances risking that. It made Tom realize that he really had to step up his game this time around. But he knew you were right; he'd fucked up badly; hurting you so much.

"Meg, I had gotten so used to having you by my side, spending the last week apart, made me realize even more how much I have taken you for granted. The way you love, the way you take care of me; it makes me love you so much." He says, pulling you closer. "Just be careful with my trust, okay? Don't make me regret giving you a second chance." You answer.

You still weren't completely sure if the possible repetition of the pain was worth it, but the way he places his plump lips on yours, reminds you how quickly you had gotten used to being his.

He kisses you gradually, showing that he was willing to take it slow with your heart this time. The way the kisses felt, shows that he was fully committed to protecting you from any hurt that could come your way, even from the pain that could possibly be inflicted by himself.

You lift your hands from his chest, snaking your arms to their trusted place around his neck. You slightly tilt your head, your teeth taking Tom's bottom lip between their grip. Your hands make their way through his damp curls, making your body flinch at the coldness. A sudden shiver goes down your body, as you just now realize how cold you actually were from the rainfall that had drenched you on Rockefeller Plaza.

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