6. Good Publicity Darling

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Listen to this song on repeat to get in this chapter's mood:
CH6: No Judgement - Niall Horan


"Your publicist wants us to what!?" You look at Tom with wide, unbelieving eyes, as he is nervously pulling at his clothes. He's wearing a light blue Nike hoodie and slim fitted jeans. Wearing your short, silk dress from the night before, you're completely overdressed for the local coffee shop. Tom had offered you his denim jacket for warmth and cover up, and you took it gladly.

"I told her she's crazy, but apparently the media loved us together yesterday. Kayla says it is good press, with the new movie coming up and all. She says all the major magazines and tv studios have been calling her with requests for interviews and..." He looks into your eyes and stops. "I'm sorry, it's crazy. I shouldn't have even brought it up. It's totally fine if you don't want to. It's a big step from running your own business in Amsterdam, to being in the public eye as my 'girlfriend'." He uses his fingers to draw quotation marks in the air as he says the word girlfriend. Still, when hearing him say the word, your stomach flutters. Did he just say he wants me to be his girlfriend? Ignoring the fake part of it all. And how did he remember I have my own shop, I only shortly mentioned it once.

"You're right, it is crazy. How would that even work?", you ask, not expecting him to actually have an answer. "Kayla said you'd be my date to public events. We'll have post Instagram stories showing we're spending time together, and make sure we'll get caught walking hand in hand in public – that sort of stuff." He pauses when he sees you doubting, then continues: "Only in the public eye of course! In private we could be friends I guess... If you'd like?"

"I don't know Tom... Don't you think it's kind of weird to lie to everyone like that... I'll have to think about it – is that okay?" "You might be right.", he says, then continues with a smirk, "But it could also be a lot of fun. You can't tell me yesterday's craze wasn't exciting." You think about the adrenaline rush you'd experienced the night before, entering the hotel with him. He might be right; just think of all the fun things you could do and the places he could bring you.

You feel your phone buzz and see a text from Bri pop-up on your screen, asking you where you are. When you see the time, you realize you totally forgot you'd have brunch with Bri that morning. "Shit, I have to go. I was supposed to meet a friend 15 minutes ago!" You gather your purse. Hastily you stand up and look at Tom. Is that a hint of disappointment I see in his eyes?

He starts, "I'll drive you!" He starts to push his chair away from the table. "That's okay, honestly.  The restaurant is close – I'll walk." You reach for your phone on the table, but before you can grab it, Tom snaps it up and starts typing. He says, "My number, just in case your friend changes your mind. And Meg – do change your mind..." He looks at you with hopeful, while at the same time seductive eyes. You hadn't realized before how strikingly hazel the colour of his eyes was.

You snatch your phone out of his hands and give him a quick kiss on his cheek, which you immediately regret. Did you just give him a kiss? Why did I have to make things even more awkward? Once you pull back, you see Tom blushing as he says, "Hopefully I'll see you soon Meg." You quickly walk out, not realizing Tom was still saying something.

When walking towards Molly's, you feel your phone buzzing in your purse. A notification on your screen shows, 'TomTyler96 is now following you'. You can't help but smile at the sight. You follow him back, put your phone back in your purse, and step into Molly's where you already see Bri waiting on you.

The moment she notices you, she rises up and exclaims, "YOU! You have to tell me everything!! Is that the same dress you wore last night?" She looks at you outfit, and observes, "When did you find the time to buy a new jacket?"

When you realize you're still wearing Tom's jacket, you panic – SHIT I totally forgot! I have to give it back to him. "I uhm... it's not new, it's Tom's." You nervously say. Why does this feel like the walk of shame moment after a one-night stand? Nothing happened, we didn't even sleep in the same bed together... Your thoughts drift off - He did see you in the shower though.

"TOM'S!?" Bri exclaims, interrupting your thoughts. "Bri keep it down, please! I got enough attention from strangers last night to satisfy me for a lifetime." You try to hush her, but she totally ignores you and continues, "Are you serious? You're already wearing his clothes? Next you're going to tell me that you spent the night with him." She says jokingly, but when she sees that you start to blush, she starts again, "MEG! You little... Did you sleep with him? I saw the pictures of you at the W Hotel, but I never thought you'd stay the night! When you didn't come home, I assumed you ended up staying over at Esra's." "Of course, I didn't sleep with him, I barely know him!" You answer.

Except that it felt as if you did though. From the moment you talked to him outside the club last night, something felt somehow familiar and safe; being with him last night kind of felt like coming home for the first time in months.

Bri says, "Well, you spent the night with him and you're wearing his clothes, so you seem pretty well acquainted to me..." She pauses, "What? What is it? I know that look of yours Meg." Bri asks, squinting her eyes.

You hesitate whether or not you should tell her about his proposal. Your mind has already written off the idea of actually going along with it, but something in you still considers it. So, you start, "You have to promise me you won't tell anyone, but..." You take a deep breath, "He wants me to be his girlfriend." And then quickly add, "Well not really his girlfriend. More like his fake girlfriend in public! Apparently, his publicist thought last night was great for his publicity." You say trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.

"WHAT! And you're only telling me this now? I presume you said yes, right? I mean, if you didn't – tell him I'm available! He is a snack! Have you seen his latest photoshoot for GQ Magazine?" She stops when she sees you're feeling conflicted. She unsuccessfully tries to suppress her excitement and says, "Meg, I understand it might be a bit weird to 'fake date' him, but come on! He's hot, he was nice to you, he didn't harass you into staying the night. You could go to his premieres and elite parties with him, - you did tell him that is a prerequisite right!? Rose and I can dress you! Oh, the dresses you'll wear..." She sighs and her eyes twinkle in excitement.

Her words made you wonder. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea. Even if it were only for a couple of weeks, it might be fun... Isn't this the reason you quit your full-time job, to see where the world will take you? Well apparently, the world took your lips to meet Tom's. And now Tom might take you wherever.

You look at Bri and a slight smirk appears on your face, "Maybe you're right. Maybe I should just give it a try. What's the worst that can happen?" Bri jumps up and hugs you, "Oh my god yes, you totally should! Do you think he has a friend who also needs a fake girlfriend, because I'm totally available you know."

She pauses, "But, how will you let him know?" You smile and grab your phone. When you show her the phone number, she looks like she might pass out. "You have got to be kidding me! You have Tom Tyler's number in your phone?" "Bri! Zip it! You have to promise me not to tell anyone!" You can't help but laugh at you best friend's reaction. "Now let's order, I'm famished!"

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