30. You've Got All of Me

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Listen to this song on repeat to get in this chapter's mood:
CH 30: False Alarm (Acoustic Version) – Becky Hill


The rest of the days in Amsterdam, you spent showing your city to Tom. You took him with you to dinner with James that night. You were a bit afraid that it would be awkward, as the dinner also functioned as a Valey Girls business meeting. But, to your surprise, Tom actually was interested, and even jumped in with ideas from time to time.

When you went to go to the bathroom, you could see James leaning forward to Tom, giving him a stern look. Over the chatter that filled the air, you could vaguely hear James say something along the lines of, "Look, I like you. But don't you dare ever hurt her again, Tom. She was crushed that night, and if you ever pull a stunt like that again, you will have to deal with me."

Granted, James wasn't the most threatening guy, but Tom knew he wasn't one to be messed with. You felt lucky to have friends like that; friends that always had your back. And you were glad, that they were getting along with Tom. He had become such a significant part of your life.

The morning after, you'd planned an early-morning visit to the Rijksmuseum. In your opinion, it was Amsterdam's most impressive museum, and you were dying to show your favourite pieces of art with Tom. He couldn't be bothered much with the art though; he was more mystified by the sparkle of excitement in your eyes, as you were telling him about the Monet painting in detail.

You dragged him from room to room, ending at the famous The Night Watch painting by Rembrandt van Rijn. You were telling Tom about the first time you saw the impressive painting when you were just a kid. A school trip to the museum, had made the painting so magical to you. As you were in the middle of your story, Tom kissed your lips, stopping you in your tracks.

It was there, in that moment, that you realized your hands had been intertwined ever since entering the museum. You hadn't left each other's touch for a single second. And now, his lips on yours, you realized you were happier than you'd ever been in your life. The way his thumb caressed the top of your hand, the taste of his lips entering your mouth, the hand he placed on your cheek; it created a rush of butterflied in your lower stomach.

The moment was disturbed by the sound of a camera shuttering, and when you looked up from the kiss, you saw a guy with a semi-professional camera taking your picture. This was the reason you wanted to visit early in the morning; the museum wouldn't be too crowded. Which meant, that there would be less people who could recognize you. But before you knew it, over three hours had flown by. The museum grew more crowded, and people started recognizing your faces from the tabloids. You rolled your eyes in annoyance, but Tom kept his eyes on you; his words calming you down, "Let's get out of here. I just want to be with you."

So, that's what you did; you went home. Both Bri and Rose were working, so you had the flat all to yourselves, meaning you wouldn't have to be crammed up in your single bed, but could instead watch Netflix from the living room couch.

Tom attempted to cook dinner, after what had felt like hours of being entangled with his body on the couch. The emphasis here should be on attempted. He truly did try, but you saw him struggling with the oven, and a burning smell filled the air within seconds. He was a man of many talents, but cooking definitely wasn't one of them. You didn't mind though; you kind of liked stepping in, taking over, and bossing him around to chop things, while you did the actual cooking.

The final days, you finally found the time to show Tom the Valey Girls store. It was much smaller than the New York flagship store, but this venue held such a special place in your heart. You spent time with your family; having dinner with your mother and Esra, allowing them to get to know Tom better. And the last night, you'd held a competitive game night with Bri, Rose, and Tom. You were sad to leave all of them behind again, but you actually missed New York a lot.

In those few months you'd lived there, you'd gotten so used to the vibrancy of the city. Yes, you had to be switched on all the time, but you loved it. The everlasting stream of strangers, never failed to entertain you. So, stepping inside of the airplane that would take you home, you squeezed Tom's hand slightly.

You were looking forward to being able to spend time with Haz again. You hadn't been able to spent much time with him after the opening night incident, as he was with Tom most of his days. So, before take-off, you decided to shoot him a text, 'Headed home now, want to grab dinner tomorrow evening?'

You didn't notice Tom reading along. His heart sunk a second, when he saw you typing those words. He wasn't the jealous type at all, and he trusted you fully. But at times, panic would enter his heart; fear of loosing you again creaping in. So, when he saw that they were meant for his best friend, he let a sigh of relief. He could only admire the friendship you had built with his best friend. He was glad you hit things off, and had become this close.

You phone buzzes; a reply from Harrison lit up your screen. 'You betcha! Did you and Tom get Kayla's invite for her party next week? Mind if I tag along as a third wheel?'

You had gotten the invitation. Kayla was throwing a huge party three days after you'd return to New York. From what you'd gathered from your phone call with her, it would be one of the biggest parties of the season. Everyone who was someone would be there. She had practically invited her entire clientele list, which basically included that all the major names from the industry would attend.

Before you could stress about what to wear, she'd already reassured you that she'd picked out a handful of dresses to choose from. You were looking forward to the party, as it granted to opportunity to unwind completely. Not that the past days were super stressful, but still, you longed for a night out; dancing with Tom.

You turn off your phone as the fasten-seatbelt signs are turned on. You plug in your earbuds, and rest your head on Tom's shoulder. Having him next to you, made the eight-hour flight seem that much shorter. His thumb tracing your palm, made you quickly fall into slumber, and before you knew it, you'd opened your eyes, to see the New York skyline waiting for you in the distance. Home.

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