28. Remedy

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Listen to this song on repeat to get in this chapter's mood:

CH 28: Small Talk - Niall Horan

SMUT Warning!


The drive to your Amsterdam flat is familiar, and didn't require much focus on your part. Which was a good thing, because Tom's fingers had been tracing your legs the entire ride home. You didn't know what had gotten into him, but ever since you'd reached the car, his eyes had been all over your body. 

Well – you could guess what had gotten into him; male hormones probably. His hormones screaming for attention, after having been parted from your body's touch for over five days now.

You open the front door to your flat, and step in – Tom following right behind you. Still now, you could practically feel his eyes staring you down. You place your keys on the counter, turning towards him. He was definitely checking out my ass – you decide not to bust him on it, as you could see that he was trying to hide his lust to his best abilities.

You don't want to give in to his desire just yet, so you decide to play it away. "So, welcome to my second home! Or first? I did live here first though... Well, you know what I mean!" You lead the way towards the living room and kitchen area.

"Over there is Bri's room, this hall leads towards Rose's room and the bathroom. And this, this is me." You open the door to your small bedroom. You felt a tiny hinge of embarrassment, showing your minuscule, and untidy, room. It fell into nothing, compared to the rooms in Tom's home and your new home in New York.

The embarrassment grew a bit stronger, when your eyes spy your stuffed animal tucked in the corner of your bed. Would you have known Tom would come today, you surely would have tidied up your room this morning. And in the process, you'd definitely put away the tiny lion that was now on display in your bed. You hoped you'd have time to casually hide it somewhere, before Tom could see it. It was in vain though, as it was the first thing that caught Tom's eye. "Cute", he exclaims, walking towards your bed and grabbing the plush.

"I needed something to cuddle at night." You chuckle awkwardly. Tom places the plush on your nightstand, making his way over to you. "Should I be jealous?", he asks, cocking his brow as his fingers connect themselves to the sides of your waist. 

A gasp escapes your lips the moment you feel his fingers slightly gripping your body. One touch, and he could make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

You could feel a shift of tension in the atmosphere, as Tom's hand run down your side. "I could keep you company tonight." He says slowly, lust showing in his eyes. "Is that so?" You answer, cocking your brow, and biting your lip. Tom doesn't say anything, but his hands pull you closer to him.

"You have to tell me what you want though, because I am growing quite tired, but I could practically feel your eyes burning wholes in my body from all your staring. So, if there is something that you want, Tom, you have to tell me." Your witty remark makes Tom blush a little, while also revealing that lusty spark in his eyes. You could see that he felt busted, for you had apparently been well aware of his desire this entire time.

His slight uneasiness was quickly replaced by the smirk appearing on his face. He leans forward, lips connecting shortly to your earlobe, and then whispers, "I want... you." As he leans back, you can see that look in his eyes. The way his eyes looks right into yours, and the way his chest lifts up quickly as his breath deepens, could make your legs turn into jelly in an instant.

You didn't have to tell him that you wanted him too; he knew. So, you give in to the passion, and let your lips crash into his. You had been imagining what you'd do to him the second you were back in his arms in NYC, for the past four days.

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