16. After The Afterparty

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Listen to this song on repeat to get in this chapter's mood:
CH16: Lowkey - Niki


The movie was even better than Tom had let it on to be. Drama, comedy, and action all interchanged each other perfectly. Plus, the adorable pride in Tom's eyes, as he looked over at you from time to time, made it an even better experience. Your hands didn't lose each other's touch for one second during the entire film, Tom's often softly squeezing yours whenever something important was about to happen.

After the movie ended, Tom had to work the room and make some rounds. You joined him in the beginning, but soon found Bri and Rose in the crowd. Bri was obsessed with the movie and she reminded you time and time again how happy she was with your connection to Tom, making it possible for her to be present at the premiere.

Before the crowd moved to the after party, you had some time to get a little better acquainted with Tom's parents. You'd met them just briefly when you were in London, however it felt different that time around. You were more nervous now, which may have to do with the fact that back then the relationship was completely fake, which they were aware of. His mother wasn't a fan of the plan in the beginning, so she reminded you multiple times that she was glad to see her son so happy at your side. "You actually got him to fancy you, didn't you? I haven't seen him smile as much, as he has done ever since you went to the States together."

When Tom made his way over to you, he was glowing. Everyone he'd talked to, was ecstatic about the film, which made him feel even better than before the screening. He joined you, his family, and Bri and Rose, before making your way to the launch party.

The room was filled with music. You wondered how the crowd was already this big; everyone was still in the movie theatre only minutes ago. The crowd was filled with people you didn't know, making you even more grateful for the fact that your two best friends were there with you. Soon, one of Rose's favourite songs started playing, and she dragged you and Bri on the dancefloor with you. Seeing Tom and Haz following you soon after, Tom's hands immediately reaching for your hips, made the weight you'd felt from faking it, leave your shoulders in an instant. In that moment, you were truly carefree, dancing and blurting along to your favourite songs with your best friends and the man you were falling more in love with every second.

He pulls you close to him, dancing together with your arms hanging around his neck. He tilts his head slightly, leaning in for what you expected to be a small kiss. Instead, he impulsively presses his lips against yours. You give in and passion overtakes your every action. Music fades out for a bit, as you are completely captivated by the way his tongue effortlessly finds its way between your lips. There is something in the way his kisses make you feel, that makes it seem like the rest of the world is at a standstill, with only the two of you moving at full speed.

One of his hands finds its way to the small of your back, while the other slowly travels down, coming to a halt once it reaches your butt. The soft tightening of his grip lets you know enough. It could just be all the booze he drank that evening, or the high he was on, created by the success of the film, but it was clear that he was telling you that he was completely yours.

Music starts to swell back up, and you can hear your friends cheering behind you. You slowly release your lips from his, revealing the smile your lips had been carrying since the moment he pulled you close. His head comes closer again, only this time to whisper in your ear, "Can we leave the party early and just be alone babe?" The blush appearing on your cheeks and the way your teeth instantly bite your lower lip, tells him there's nothing you'd rather do.

Back in the hotel room, his lips immediately attached themselves to yours again. Eyes closed, you loosen his tie and start to slowly unbutton his shirt. Your lips lose each other as he walks around you and starts to kiss your neck. As his hands travel down, you feel the zipper of your dress sliding down slowly. His fingers gradually trace your spine back up, meeting his kisses on your left shoulder. He carefully slips the strap off one shoulder, before doing the same to the other, causing your dress to leave your body and fall to the ground.

You can feel his eyes over your bare back, and the navy lingerie, that was hidden underneath the sequin fabric, hugging your figure. As you turn around to meet him, he eagerly finds your lips again. It is strange how one small connection between lips, could create goose bumps all over your body.

You take a step back, slowly sliding down your lace panties, before walking into the bathroom, leaving Tom wonderstruck. He can hear the water in the shower starting to run, as your voice asks, "Are you joining? Or are you just going to stand there?" A big smirk appears on his face. Never before did he feel a bigger urge to rush out of his trousers and join you in the bathroom.

As he steps into the shower where you were already waiting for him, a giggle escapes your lips. It was a completely new sensation; you'd already touched each other, and he'd seen your contours through the fogged glass before, but being completely exposed so close to him, makes you blush.

However, the tenderness in his eyes, instead of the lust and eagerness you expected, settles you down. You expected his fingers to immediately make its way to your breasts or down low, but even though his touch never left your bare body, he didn't rush into anything. Instead of the predicted heated snogs, he just gives you soft and passionate kisses all over your body.

It took you by surprise, but you definitely didn't complain. It was just the first time for you, that a man looked at your naked body in loving admiration, instead of lusty desire. Your exes had seen your body as a sex object that needed to be touched, whereas his touch made your body feel like an immersive work of art that had to be caressed and explored. His soft strokes along your side, while his other hand finds its way to cup your cheek, makes flutters rush through your stomach and it makes you chuckle softly.

"What? Is that tickly?" he asks, as he cocks his brow and strengthens his touch. "No!" Squeaking lightly. "Ok. Yes, it is, but that's not why I chucked." You pause as your thoughts start to wander off. You realized that there was no more denying it or playing it cool – you were utterly in love with man you promised yourself you wouldn't fall for. However, that was before you actually got to know him. It started as an exciting deal, and for basically the first time in your life, you decided to jump before considering the consequences.

But the more time you'd spent with Tom, the more you got to know his soft side. He wasn't like you thought a successful actor would be – instead, he was genuine, considerate, and kind. Sure, those cute dimples of his and hard rock abs didn't hurt, but it was more than just physical attraction. His hands were your safe haven, his voice your favourite sound, and his kisses your poison. The slower he kissed you, the faster your heart started to beat.

"Where did your pretty mind go just now?" he interrupts your thoughts. You doubt, biting the inside of your cheeks. Am I ready to be honest about my feelings? Do I dare to be that vulnerable?

"I was thinking about how we met." You pause, "and then I realized that ever since our talk in that back alley, I've been falling for you. I've been falling so quickly and I think... I think I love you." You avert your eyes sideward, not daring to look him in the eyes as if to protect yourself from disappointment.

However, his hand intertwining with your, squeezing it lightly as he softly says, "I think I'm in love with you too, Meg.", makes them flash back to him in a split second. You place your lips on his, hugging him closely, before you whisper in his ears. "I just need to know you're in this for the long run. I don't need someone to just leave me again as soon as the sparks settle down."

Saying those words, made you feel more naked than you already were. Not only had your clothes come off, but now you didn't have any emotional walls to hide behind either. Your longing for true love, truly revealed how much your previous lovers had left you hurting. But what he said next, made all the scars they had left on your heart disappear, along with your doubts.

"I don't know why it has taken me so long to tell you. I think I was afraid you didn't feel the same – God only knows why I couldn't let go of my doubts, but ..." He lifts your chin with his thumb, "You are the only one that I want." Those words wash away all your fears, along with the water that continues to glide over your bodies.

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