25. Daylight

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*A/N: OMG I'm so sorry for not updating for so long...

Listen to this song on repeat to get in this chapter's mood:

CH 25: False God - Taylor Swift


Waking up the next morning feels familiar. You open your eyes, to find Tom's still closed, him snoring lightly. His arm is draped over your waist, keeping you close, spooning you gently. His breath coats the crease of your neck like a damp summer's breeze. You lock your fingers with Tom's, making it feel like a perfectly wholesome moment. You realized that there were many things you loved in life, but waking up in his arms, had to be at the top of your list.

What you and Tom had, was something special. Things had really gone to shit this time, but still, you managed to find your way back to each other again. The road might have gotten tricky, but you actually had managed to swerve the potholes, and patch things up. You realized your love for him was bigger than the hate you felt for his actions.

You softly stroke Tom's hand with your thumb, making him shuffle slightly behind you. You can feel from the way his breathing changes, that he's starting to wake up. The soft kiss he places in your neck, confirms it. "Morning love." His husky voice mutters.

"Hey," you say softly. You wiggle within Tom's embrace, turning to face him. He acknowledges you by placing a soft kiss on your forehead. "Slept well?" He asks, eyes still closed. "Best night's sleep in weeks." You let out a sigh, pushing yourself closer to Tom's body. He tightens the grip his arms have on your body, "Ditto. I've really missed this." He opens one eye and smirks, "Let's stay in bed like this the entire day yea? We've got some lost time to catch up for."

You giggle, "I wish! But it's already 12:30, and if I'm not mistaken, you've got a dinner party to go to tonight. Plus, I really need to start packing my stuff."

He looks at you a bit confused, "Packing?" "Yea, I need to go back to Amsterdam for a couple of days to take care of some things for Valey Girls." You pause, "And I was kind of missing Bri and Rose after everything what happened..." You add softly, bringing up the pain Tom's actions had inflicted.

Laying in his arms, everything felt better, but recollecting your fight, made you crumble a little. You tried to push the thoughts out of your mind, but for some reason, Tom's sleepy eyes flickered in front of you for a second, turning into the guilty look he'd worn that night. You close your eyes, pressing your nose into Tom's chest; letting go of the past. It was hell, fighting with him, but being in his arms again felt like heaven. He is here now; it's time to forgive him – one part of your subconscious tells you, but another part immediately adds – But never forget it.

"Makes sense, love. I recall Haz vaguely mentioning something about it. Do you want me to come?" His hand removes itself from your waist, gliding through your tangled messy hair. "You don't have to, it's just a ten-day trip! I'll be back soon. Plus, Kayla was talking the other day about having a super busy schedule for the coming weeks?" You look back up at him. "True, but I'd let them rearrange that damned schedule if it means I can spend every second with you in a heartbeat." He smiles and kisses you.

You blush; part of you wants him to come, but you didn't want to impose. Plus, you were actually looking forward to spending some time alone in your apartment with Bri and Rose, just like old times. "Honestly, it's fine! I want to spend time with my family and truly have a lot to do in those few days for Valey Girls." You peck his lips, "We still have tonight though, I'm not leaving until tomorrow evening."

"Tonight? I- uh- I've got some business dinner... Wait, how did you know about the dinner – you mentioned it just now?" You blush, "Uh- Kayla told me about it yesterday. And I- I would be her date, because I knew you'd be there and I was hoping I'd run into you there, and..."

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