Part 1: Mipha

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Chapter 1: Mipha

"Link!!! Where are you?" Mipha called, her voice an echo through the woods, Epona's hooves beating the ground.

There was no response...of course. Mipha gripped her Trident tightly. She'd been having a pretty peaceful day until a lone Epona had come galloping through her kingdom without her rider.

When Epona arrived, her kingdom went into chaos, people fearing Link dead. But Mipha had gotten everyone under control and took her best men and women to search for the young hero.

Suddenly, Mipha heard rustling in some bushes and halted Epona with her reigns. "Whoa, girl." She said, soothing the horse and petting it.

"Link?" Mipha said cautiously, hopping off Epona. The young princess aimed her Trident at the bush.

She noticed that Epona was getting nervous behind her, trampling the ground with her hooves anxiously. That's when Mipha heard it...some kind of snarling noise.

Suddenly a moblin tumbled out of the bushes, weapon in hand. Mipha leaped back, Epona running off in fear.

Mipha glared at the moblin, the creature finally turning to see her and starting in surprise.

"C'mon, then." Mipha challenged, gripping her weapon tight. The moblin swung its club threateningly. 'I hope Link is alright.' She thought worriedly as she charged at the moblin.

"Yaaah!" Mipha shouted and aimed right for the moblin heart, but the enemy blocked her attack, sending the princess skidding across the ground.

She felt sweat drip down her brow as she charged again from another angel. The moblin blocked her again, almost sending her flying.

Mipha heard distant shouts from her scouts and rustle of leaves. Suddenly Mipha felt the moblins club connect with her ribs, sending her smacking against a tree.

She groaned, feeling a lump on her head, but wasn't too worried since she had healing powers that could mend her wounds back in minutes.

She was a bit dazed however, and saw the blurry moblin lumbering towards her, swinging his club.

The Princess struggled to get up a bit, using her Trident for support. 'I shan't be easily defeated.' She thought.

In a minute, she was back to her normal self and back trying to stab the moblin through the heart.

That was when she heard him. Link suddenly came out of nowhere, arrow aimed at the moblin, shooting him in the head.

"Yaaaah!" Link shouted as the arrow let loose, sinking into the moblins skull.

The creature stumbled and Mipha took the advantage to stab it through, taking it down completely. The moblin fell to the ground.

"Yes! We did it!" She said, raising her Trident in victory. Then her eyes went to Link, who was knelt on the ground, breathing hard.

"Link?" Mipha asked cautiously as she approached him. He suddenly began coughing harshly, his body shaking. He looked up at the Princess anyway, a feint smile on his face.

Mipha noticed he was shaking quite a bit. She offered her hand. He shakily took it and rose. "Are you alright?" She asked. As Link looked at her, she noticed how pale he looked.

'He's sick!' She though and slung his arm over her shoulder, noticing the flush on his cheeks. Mipha went to touch the hero's forehead. It was burning hot!

Mipha sighed. "How'd you let yourself go like this? And for how long?" The princess asked as they headed over to Epona who hadn't gone very far surprisingly.

Link shrugged and received a wave of coughs in return. Mipha felt him shivering as they approached Links hoarse.

Link stumbled a bit, but Mipha kept him steady as her scouts came back, surprise on there faces.

"Are you alright your highness?" The lead scout asked as she helped Link onto Epona. "Is that the hero you where talking about?" Asked another.

Mipha nodded at both of them. "Yes, I'm fine. I'll take Link to the palace, you all go ahead and prepare for Link staying for awhile." She said, hopping on after Link.

The scouts nodded and hurried off. Link made a move to grab the reigns, but Mipha took his hand, stopping him.

"Please, allow me." She said, trying to ease Links pain a bit. The hero of the Wild nodded, handing her the reigns and they took off.

Another coughing fit ran through Link, then he shivered like he was cold, even though it was summer.

"Don't worry, we'll take care of you." Mipha said soothingly. Link nodded and the Princess noticed he was starting to doze off from exhaustion.

She shook her head. 'How did you get yourself to this state?' She wondered as the hero finally passed out, his head resting awkwardly on Mipha's shoulder.

'We'll get there soon.' She thought, trying not to notice that her hero was passed out on her own shoulder.

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