Chapter 2

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Link grunted as a fist connected to his stomach. He was back at the Yiga hideout and their leader Koga was standing over him with a maniacal smile on his face.

"Some Champion you are. You can even land a punch!" He laughed. Link stood, wobbly on his feet. This had gone from an interrogation to just torture.

He was only just a swordsman. He thought; he'd only just been taught hand to hand by the Sheika and wasn't very confident in the skill yet.

Link tried to retaliate and swung his booted foot at the man, but he caught it and used his momentum to fling him across the arena they where in.

It was just him, Koga and Mikoto though. But he heard people jeering and yelling at him as though there where people there.

Link slammed against the wall and saw stars for a second. He lied in the dirt floor, not wanting to get up, but he knew he had to. He felt like he knew what was coming. Then he felt it.

Koga slammed his foot into Links ribs and he felt one snap.

Link sucked in a breath, but didn't want to give Koga the satisfaction of breaking one of his ribs. But this time Koga wasn't letting up. He kept kicking him until-


Link sat up, gasping for air like a fish on land. He put a hand to his chest, not sure where he was. Then he noticed Zelda starring at him with concern.

His hands felt clammy and sweat dropped down his face. Zelda came over and sat next to him.  Link tensed, then gave her an apology.

"You've been sleeping for two days." Zelda said, making Link eyes widened. He looked around and realized they where at the campsite they'd maid...well, two days ago apparently.

Link hugged his knees and looked at his toes. "Is there anything you want to talk to me about?" His princess asked, concern in her voice.

He didn't give her any reaction for a while, then shook his head. Zelda scowled, making him flinch. She immediately softened her face. "Sorry... I just want you to know I'm worried about you." Zelda explained.

Link nodded, then glanced at the horses. Zelda stood and sighed. "I do supposed we should  get a move on. But if you're nightmares keep getting worse, we're taking a break. Father can wait." She said and got the horses and camp packed up.

Link hugged his knees tighter, not sure how feel.


Zelda wanted to help Link, but if he wasn't opening up, then so be it. They cantered for a few days, only stopping for the horses and rests. Every time she stopped she noticed Link would nod off for a second then jerk his head up as if not wanting to be caught sleeping.

It was irritating watching him, but he didn't want to confide in her. They where almost to the Great Plateau witch bordered Hyrule. She decided they would rest that day...and she'd confront Link.

Once they'd set up camp and a fire was stoked, Zelda turned to Link...and he was asleep again. She crunched the tree branch she was holding in frustration. Maybe this time she should wake him from his nightmares.

Suddenly there was a rustling in the woods that they where staying in. Zelda stood, wondering if she should be concerned. She took her bow and arrows from her horse as she heard familiar noises: Bokoblins.

Zelda turned to Link. This was an emergency...he'd understand. She shook him awake. "Link!" She hissed.

"Wake up!" Shook him again and he woke with a start and grabbed her arm out of instinct. Zelda didn't have much time for this; the noises where getting closer.

"Bokoblins." She hissed at him again and that seemed to snap him awake. He grabbed his Master Sword that had been resting beside him.

Zelda hoped he could fight how he normally did; he looked a bit unsteady and that worried her. A group of three Bokoblins jumped out at them, clubs swinging. Zelda was a bit releaved. They where basic Bokoblins, red with basic clubs.

They could handle this easily. She took out two with her bow and let Link take out the last one but it seemed to take him longer that usual. The one Link was fighting knocked him to the ground and blew a horn.

Damn. Zelda thought. When a Bokoblin had a horn that usually meant there where more.
On cue, three more reds came out of the woods and then a blue one followed. Zelda paled a little: blue ones where considered stronger than the red ones, but not as tough as the black Bokoblins which where rare.

"Link!" Zelda shouted as he struggled to get up. He shouldn't be having this much trouble especially with the Master Sword. She thought.

Zelda took out the three Bokoblins and then the blue one jumped onto Link, pinning him back down. It started dragging him by the ankle into the woods back to where Zelda assumed their hide out was.

She chased after it, shoring arrows, which it seemed to dodge. She'd also grabbed the Master Sword, which Link had dropped.

"Hey!" She yelled, causing the bokoblin to stop in time for her to catch up. She ran it through with the Master Sword, which made her arms heavy.

She had to breath for a little bit as Link had seemed to fall unconscious and she had to pry the the bokoblin off of his ankle.

Zelda looked around, wondering if it was worth going to chase down the other Bokoblins that where possibly around.

She went over to Link and hoisted his arm over her shoulder and almost stumbled under his weight. She checked her surroundings once more and then dragged her Champion back to their campsite.

Zelda unceremoniously dumped Link back down on the ground next to the empty camp fire, hoping that'd wake him,  but he seemed thoroughly knocked out.

So she decided to wait. 


Link woke, bleary eyed, noticing it was night out and there was a fire. They hadn't moved from the campsite, despite the possibility of more Bokoblins in the area.

His head and ankle pounded and he saw Zelda sitting next to him. She looked down at him. "Good evening, sleepy head." She said as he propped himself up. "You did horribly in that fight today." She continued as he joined her on the log she was sitting on.

Had Zelda had to defend both of them!? All Link could remember was being bashed on the head by a club. He did a half bow as an apology. Zela turned to him and sighed.

"I accept you're apology...but I wish you'd tell me what's torturing you." She said, her voice coated with worry. Now Link sighed, startling his princess. She'd never heard him do least near her.

"Are you going to trust me?" She asked. There was a long pause and Zelda was almost worried he'd fallen back asleep.

But, then he nodded and wiped his if he where crying. Zeldas eyes widened. She'd never seen such emotion from her Champion before; he was always serious and stone faced.

It made her throat tight with her own emotions. She put a hand on his shoulder, making him tense. " You're nightmares keeping you from sleeping?" Zelda asked, even though it was painfuly  obvious.

Link took a shuttering breath and nodded, tears running down his face. He maid another apologetic gesture and Zelda dismissed it. "It's not you're faults you where kidnapped by the Yiga...and have gone through other things." She said.

He nodded, at least understanding her. She was trying to apologize for dragging Link into her messes. Link wiped his eyes again and Zelda side hugged him awkwardly and he turned it into a film hug.

Zelda grunted as Link hugged her tight.  They where like that for a few minutes until Zelda pulled them apart. "Thank you for confiding in me." She said. Link nodded.

"I say we rest here one more night and we'll continue be alright?" Zelda asked. Link agreed with her, then sighed and shrugged. She could tell he was still tired. He needed as much rest as he could get.

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